Chapter 13- President Flashcards
A blanket pardon, grantable by the president
Executive privilege
A right to withhold information from congress and the courts. Defined as inherent in executive power.
Chief of staff
The president’s right hand man. Controls the president’s calendar, manages the staff, and helps the president in all aspects of domestic and foreign policy.
Grantable by the president. Absolves you of criminal charges.
Stewardship theory
A view that the Constitution permits the president to do anything that the needs of the nation demand unless such action is forbidden by the constitution or laws. Derived from Hamilton’s ideas.
Constitutional theory
Derived from Madison’s ideas. The president can exercise no power which cannot be fairly and reasonably traced to some specific grant of power or justly implied and included within such express grant as necessary and proper to its exercise
An agreement between two or more nations, in which they promise to behave in a certain way.
Executive agreements
Like treaties, but negotiated by and between only the executive leaders of countries.
Honeymoon period
The first 100 days of a presidency, in which congress is more conducive to new laws and legislation.
The refusal to allow the expenditure of funds appropriated by Congress. A presidential check on the legislative branch.
Inherent power
The power that goes hand-in-hand with the presidential seat
Lame ducks
A term tagged on presidents during their second term because they can not run for a third term.
Legislative agenda
The primary tool available for securing and extending the president’s power. Passage of the agenda is the key to the president’s effort to be re-elected for a second term and to secure his place in history.
An election in which a candidate wins both the electoral and popular votes by a huge margin.
The idea that the people’s support of a candidate in an election grants that candidate the support and backing of the people throughout their presidency.
Pocket veto
A term for what happens to a bill if Congress adjourns before the ten days deadline for it to pass have expired and the president has still not signed the bill, then the bill is said to have been subjected to a pocket veto. Deprives congress of the chance to override a formal veto.
Line-item veto
A proposed amendment which would a veto of only a part of a certain bill instead of the entire bill.