Chapter 6: Intro to Operant Conditioning Flashcards
Type of Conditioning…
- Voluntary, Goal Oriented, and Controlled Response
- Consequences affect future behaviors
Operant Conditioning
Thorndike’s Law of Effect
- The idea of behaviors are “stamped in/out”
- Behaviors will be strengthen if outcome is rewarding and weaken if aversive
Skinner’s Selection by Consequences
A model in which living organism will perform actions based on its consequences.
Eg. Rats will press lever for food
A phrase referring to a specific consequences that follow a behavior
Operant Consequences
A consequence that will increase the likelihood of a behavior happening again
Eg. Lever push leads to food
A consequence that will decrease the likelihood of a behavior happening again
Eg. You tell an inappropriate joke at a party where people will frown at you. The punisher is a frown, decreases your likelihood of that joke being told again.
What is a reinforcement and punishment?
Process or procedure that alters probability of behavior based on the consequences of that behavior
What are the Three Terms Contingency?
*Hint: ABC
- Antecedent
- Behavior
- Consequence
In Operant Conditioning, a stimulus that elicits a response after association with reinforcement.
Eg. Your dog notices you’re eating something yummy
Discriminative Stimulus
Type of Discriminative Stimulus:
Free food sign at Costco
Discriminative Stimulus for Reinforcement
Type of Discriminative Stimulus:
- A cop car with its light on
- A cat being sprayed wit water
Discriminative Stimulus for Punishment
Type of Discriminative Stimulus:
If a buzzer is on and they press the lever, they won’t get food
Discriminative Stimulus for Extinction
Eg. You end up giving the dog food (reinforcer)
Eg. You deny the dog food (punisher)
Term for presenting something
Term for removing something
To “present” something that will “increase” the chance of a behavior happening again
□ Ex. You compliment your girlfriend
® Consequence: She presents you a smiles and kiss you
□ Ex. You study really hard for your midterm
® Consequence: You have been presented with a good grade
Positive Reinforcement
To “remove” something that will “increase” the chance of a behavior happening again
□ Ex. You take medicine because of your headache
® Consequence: You remove your headache as a result
Negative Reinforcement
To “present” something negative to try to “decrease” the chance of such behavior happening again
□ Ex. You talk back to your parents
® Consequence: You get into huge trouble and your parents get mad at you (Presents anger)
® Consequence: Presents the kid with spanking
Positive Punishment
To “remove” something to try to “decrease” the chance of such behavior happening again
□ Ex. You come home after curfew
® Consequence: Your parents remove/take away your car privileges
Negative Punishment
Which is stronger?
Immediate vs Delayed Reinforcement
Type of Reinforcer:
Innate and unconditioned, born with it
Eg. The want for water, food, air, sexual contact
Primary Reinforcer
Type of Reinforcer:
Conditioned and learned due to your environment, reinforced through experiences
Ex. The want for a good car, earning a lot of money, good grades
Secondary Reinforcer
Type of Reinforcement:
Do from within (just for yourself)
Eg. You are motivated to study as hard as you can to learn
Intrinsic Reinforcement
Type of Reinforcement:
Not from within, something else outside motivates you
Eg. You can care less if you learned something, all you care about is getting A’s
Extrinsic Reinforcement
Type of Reinforcer:
Something expected that reinforces you
Eg. You get MVP for throwing most strike out
Natural Reinforcer
Type of Reinforcer:
Something that is artificially created (isn’t expected) that reinforces you
Eg. You get a bonus for throwing the most strike out
Contrived Reinforcer
Word for presenting a reward every time they are doing something good.
Eg. Food, clicker, affection