Chapter 6: Consciousness Key Terms Flashcards
An awareness of one’s surroundings and of what is in one’s mind at a given moment; includes aspects of being awake and aware.
Three different cognitive perspectives
- GLOBAL WORKSPACE THEORY - consciousness is a place where we temporarily attend to information that is at hand or deemed important.
- SYNCHRONIZATION - Conscious awareness occurs when neurons from nay distinct brain regions work together.
- RADICAL PLASTICITY THEORY - Consciousness is a learned process (an acquired skill)
The degree of alertness reflecting whether a person is awake or asleep.
Monitoring of information from the environment and from one’s own thoughts.
A state of consciousness in which the eyes are closed and the person is unresponsive and unarousable.
Reticular activating system:
A bundle of nerves in the brain stem that are involved in wakefulness and the transition between wakefulness and sleep.
Vegetative state:
A state of minimal consciousness in which the eyes might be open, but the person is otherwise unresponsive.
Minimally conscious:
State in which a patient shows signs of intentional behavior (such as visually tracking a person), but cannot communicate.
Disorders of consciousness:
A diagnostic category that encompasses the variety of ways in which wakefulness and awareness might be compromised.
A heightened awareness of the present moment, whether of events in one’s environment or in one’s own mind.
The limited capacity to process information that is under conscious control.
Selective attention:
The ability to focus awareness on specific features in the environment while ignoring others.
Perceptual load theory:
A theory of attention: the ability to attend to information is determined by both the DEMANDS of the situation and the attentional RESOURCES one has available at a particular moment
Sustained attention:
The ability to maintain focused awareness on a target or an idea.
Compromised during multitasking.
Practices that people use to calm the mind, stabilize concentration, focus attention, and enhance awareness of the present moment.
Circadian rhythms:
The variations in physiological processes that cycle within approximately a 24-hour period, including the sleep–wake cycle.
Rapid eye movements (REM):
Quick movements of the eye that occur during sleep, thought to mark phases of dreaming.
Beta waves:
The pattern of brain activity when one is awake; rapid, low-energy waves.
Alpha waves:
The pattern of brain activity when one is relaxed and drowsy; slower, higher-energy waves than beta waves.
The form of sleep with few eye movements, which are slow rather than fast.
Three stages of N sleep:
- N1: Theta waves; sensory curtain drops and we are no longer responsive to outside world
- N2: Sleep spindles = short, extremely fast and somewhat higher-energy theta wave projections; K-complexes
- N3: Delta waves; no K-complexes; deepest sleep
Theta waves:
A pattern of brain activity during N1 sleep; slower, lower-energy waves than alpha waves.
Delta waves:
Type of brain activity that dominates N3 sleep; higher energy than theta waves.
A sleep difficulty characterized by difficulty falling and staying asleep, as well as not feeling rested.
A sleep difficulty characterized by activities occurring during non-REM sleep that usually occur when one is awake, such as walking and eating.
A sleep disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness and weakness in facial and limb muscles.
Sleep apnea:
A chronic disorder in which there are pauses in breathing during sleep, which shifts sleep from deep to light, often resulting in poor sleep quality and daytime sleepiness.
Night terrors:
A state that occurs when a person walks around, speaks incoherently, and ultimately awakens, terrified, from sleep.
Images, thoughts, and feelings experienced during sleep.
Manifest level:
Freud’s surface level of dreams, what we consciously recall after waking up.
Latent level:
Freud’s deeper, unconscious level of dreams; their meaning is found at this level.
Three biologically based dimensions of consciousness—activation, input, and mode.
Activation - amount of neural activation and ranges from low to high activation
Input - whether stimulation is internal or external
Mode - mental state - from logical (wakeful) to loose-illogical (dreaming)
A state characterized by focused attention, suggestibility, absorption, lack of voluntary control over behavior, and suspension of critical faculties; occurs when instructed by someone trained in hypnosis; may be therapeutic.
Stroop effect:
A delay in reaction time when the colors of words on a test and their meaning differ.
Psychoactive drugs:
Naturally occurring or synthesized substances that, when ingested or otherwise taken into the body, reliably produce qualitative changes in conscious experience.
The need to consume increasing amounts of a drug to get the desired effect.
Withdrawal symptoms:
The adverse effects people with physical dependence experience if they stop using a drug.
Convincing sensory experiences that occur in the absence of an external stimulus.
A condition that results from habitual use or physical and psychological dependence on a substance.
Substances that decrease or slow down central nervous system activity.
Alcohol, sedatives, opioids
Substances that activate the nervous system.
Caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, amphetamines, ecstacy (MDMA)
Substances that create distorted perceptions of reality ranging from mild to extreme.
Marijuana, LSD, psilocybin
Natural, marijuana-like substances produced by the body.