Chapter 6 (Anat and Phys) Flashcards
The depression on the lateral pelvis where its three component bones join in, in which the femoral head fits snugly.
Appendicular Skeleton
Arms, legs, pelvis, and shoulder girdle.
Cardiac Output
Volume of blood circulated in 1 minnute.
Carotid Artery
Artery that supplies blood to head and brain.
The relaxation, or period of relaxation, of the heart, especially the ventricles.
Dorsalis Pedis Artery
Artery inbetween first and second metatarsels on the surface of the foot.
Endocrine System
Message control system that integrates many body functions. (Mainly through the release of horomones).
Expiratory Reserve Volume
Extra air that can be released (max push) after one normal full exhalation (1,200mL for male).
Too much CO2 in Blood.
Inspiratory reserve volume.
Volume of air that can be inhaled after a normal inhalation.
Arm bone located opposite to the thumb (medial).
Axial Skeleton
Skull to coccyx (tailbone) including the spine.
Synovial Fluid
Oil-like substance that allows bones to glide over one another.
Layer of smooth glistening tissue which coats the outside of the lungs (visceral) and the chest wall (parietal). This tissue connects to the chest cavity and forces the lungs to move along when expansion occurs.
Cerobrospinal Fluid
Colorless fluid that cusions brain structures and filters toxins. pH changes in the CF stimulate the phrenic nerve leading to changes in breathing.
Tunica Medica
MIddle later of an artery that constrics and dilates as required by the system.
Skelatal Muscle
Vouluntary muscle
Smooth Muscle
Involuntary muscles found within organ linings (stomach, intestines)
Cardiac Muscle
Involuntary, Found in Heart, Capabale of Electricity
Pressure exerted by a liquid when moving through a artery at high pressures. This pressure moves fluids outside capillaries and into the interstitial space.
Hydrostatic Pressure
Right Upper Quadrant
Liver, Duodenum (stomach to SI), Pancreas (Also kinda in LUQ), and Galbladder
Left Upper Quadrant
Stomach (pancreas behind), liver(barely), spleen, colon
Right Lower Quadrant
Colon (LI), Cecum (SI-LI), Appendix (LI)
Left Lower Quadrant
Descending and sigmoid colon (LI to Rectum). Pretty much just guts here.
Oncotic Pressure
Osmotic pressure which arises due to the higher concentration of proteins within blood plasma. Allows fluid and waste products from cells to enter the bloodstream. Oncotic pressure and hydrostatic pressure are in constant battle with each other. At the beginning of the capillary, the pressure from the heart beat (hydrostatic) overcomes the oncotic pressure allowing new nutrients to flow into the interstitual space. Pressure dies down as the blood continues to flow, that drop allows waste products to flow into the bloodstream as oncotic pressure is now greater.
LUQ. Turns food into chyme through chemicals and muscle contractions. Transfers into duodenum.
LUQ, behind liver and stomach. Two glands: exocrine and endocrine. Exocrine = enzymes that digest fat, starch, and protein. Juices dumped into duodenum. Endocrine = production of insulin and glucagon.
RUQ. Bile produced in liver to digest fat. PRIMARY ORGAN FOR STORAGE OF SUGAR OR STARCH FOR IMMIDEATE USE. Bloody fella, helps blood clots, and immunity.
LUQ: located under the liver. Storage for bile.
Small Intestine
Every Quadrant. 90% of digestion occurs here.
Large intestine
Absorbs final 5 - 10% missed by SI and whatever water leftover.
LUQ and RUQ (in the back). Urinary system. Absorbs water passed via bloodstreams. Rid toxic waste products and controls balance of water and salts. Water is filtered from waste. Waste is then dumped into the ureter.
Muscle to Bone
Bone to bone