Chapter 6 - Air Traffic Services Flashcards
Air Traffic Services
What are the principle objectives of the air traffic services?
- Prevent collisions in the air
- Prevent collisions between aircraft on the manoeuvring area and obstructions on that area
- Expedite and maintain an orderly flow of traffic
- Provide advice and information useful for the safe and efficient conduct of flight
- Notify Search and Rescue where required
What dictates the need for ATS?
- Types of traffic
- Density of traffic
- Meteorological conditions
Which classification of airspace is reserved for only IFR flights?
Class A
What services are provided by Area Control Services?
- ATC for IFR flights
- FIS and Alerting Service
- Distress and Diversion Service
What is ATC at an aerodrome responsible for?
The control of all aircraft in the vicinity of the aerodrome and on the manoeuvring area
How is aerodrome ATC usually split?
Between Aerodrome Control and Approach Control
How may Aerodrome Control further be split?
Into ‘Tower’ and ‘Ground’
What are the respective responsibilities of Ground and Tower?
Ground is responsible for aircraft on the movement area (except active runway)
Tower is responsible for aircraft on the runway as well as those in, or joining the circuit
For what may Approach Control be responsible?
Traffic departing the circuit
Traffic joining IFR or VFR
Traffic operating in the vicinity of the aerodrome
Approach Control may be provided…radar
With or without
Control Zones are usually staffed by controllers…radar
With access to
What is usually provided within controlled airspace?
A Radar Control Service
When (other than for emergency purposes) may a pilot deviate from an instruction issued within controlled airspace?
When an alternative has been requested by the pilot and granted by the controller
How may non-radio aircraft be given instructions by the tower?
Lamp or pyrotechnics
Signals in the signal square
In what situation is a FIS provided?
At some aerodromes which do not have ATC
A FIS is…to give instructions to aircraft in the air because it is an…
NOT permitted
Information Service
How may a FIS be identified?
Its callsign may be appended by the suffix ‘Information’
When an instruction is given to an aircraft on the ground by an AFIS, a pilot…comply
A UK aerodrome which provides neither ATC nor a FIS, may provide…
An Air/Ground Communications Service (ACGS)
How may an AGCS be identified?
Its callsign may be appended by the suffix ‘Radio’
On which frequency may aircraft communicate if an airfield does not have an allocated frequency? What is this called?
What are the minima for using Safetycom?
Must be below 2,000 ft aal or below 1,000 ft above promulgated circuit height
Must be within 10nm of the aerodrome
What is LARS and what are the recommended circumstances surrounding its use?
Lower Airspace Radar Service
Unregulated airspace up to FL100
What may be provided by LARS and within what radius?
The Traffic Service or the Deconfliction Service
Within approximately 30nm
When should it be assumed that the station is not operating?
After three unsuccessful contact attempts have been made
What is provided by a Flight Information Service?
Serviceability of Radio Navaids
Aerodrome conditions
Other reported traffic
How else may a FIS be known?
A Basic Service
What is a procedural service?
A normal radar ATC service mainly used to separate IFR traffic by time and/or distance using an approach control service
In Class G airspace, …is responsible for collision avoidance and…
The pilot
Terrain clearance
What are the services available outside controlled airspace?
Basic Service
Traffic Service
Deconfliction Service
Procedural Service
What is provided with all services outside of controlled airspace?
An alerting service
What should be requested from a FISO?
Basic service only
Why may traffic or deconfliction service be reduced by a FISO?
High workload
Areas of high traffic density
When traffic is not displayed to a controller
When aircraft are operating close the limits of radar cover
Outside of controlled airspace, any instructions…
Are not mandatory
While not mandatory, the relationship between a FISO unit and a pilot is considered to be…
An agreement
What is the intention of an agreement between a FISO and a pilot?
To facilitate the safe use of the airspace by allowing forward coordination between ATCUs on the pilot’s course of action
In entering agreements, pilots must ensure that…
They are able to comply with their responsibilities in relation to the Rules of the Air and terrain clearance
When (other than for reasons of safety) may a pilot deviate from an agreement with an ATCU?
Only once having advised the controller and obtained a response
If a pilot does not specify the required type of service, the controller will normally ask, except in the following circumstances…
FISOs only provide a Basic Service
ATC units without radar will provide a Procedural Service to aircraft on IFR departures, holding or approach procedures as a matter of routine
IFR traffic that have planned to operate on ADR will be provided with a Deconfliction Service
Describe what the Basic Service provides
It gives advice and information useful to the safe and efficient conduct of flight
To which types of flight may Basic Service be available?
…should not be expected during a Basic Service, however…
Traffic Information
General information may be passed to help with a pilot’s situational awareness
Who is responsible for collision avoidance?
The pilot
What is a Traffic Service?
Basic Service + radar derived traffic information
To whom is a Traffic Service available?
IFR and VFR flights
Who can provide a traffic service?
Only those controllers with access to a radar
Who is responsible for traffic avoidance during a traffic service?
The pilot
Who is responsible for terrain clearance during Traffic Service?
The pilot
How is position controlled during Traffic Service?
Location/altitude can be pilot controlled OR provided by the controller for reasons other than traffic avoidance
What is a Deconfliction Service?
A surveillance based ATS service in addition to the Basic Service in which deconfliction headings/levels may be given against all traffic in Class F and G airspace in addition to the offerings of the Traffic Service
What are the deconfliction minima during a Deconfliction Service?
Unknown/uncoordinated traffic: 5nm and/or 3,000ft
Under same controller: 3nm and/or 1,000ft
Why may the quality of a Deconfliction Service reduce?
Due to controller workload or frequency congestion
On what flights may a Deconfliction Service be provided?
IFR only
How is traffic dealt with on a Deconfliction Service?
Information will be passed as well as headings/levels to achieve deconfliction minima
Terrain avoidance on a Deconfliction Service, though only…
At or above the ATCU’s terrain safe level
What will a Deconfliction Service provide during departure?
Avoiding action and a terrain warning
What will a Deconfliction Service provide during a pilot-interpreted approach?
Avoiding action and a terrain safe level to climb to or maintain
…is ultimately the pilot’s responsibility during a Deconfliction Service
Traffic avoidance
On what type of service is an ATCU obliged to identify aircraft and inform the aircraft that they’re identified?
Deconfliction Service
What is a Procedural Service?
In addition to a Basic Service, the controller provides vertical, lateral, longitudinal and time instructions to achieve deconfliction minima against others participating in the Procedural Service
Why is there still a high likelihood of encountering conflicting traffic without warning during a Procedural Service?
It is not a radar derived service
Other traffic is not required to be under a Procedural Service in Class F and G
Where is Procedural Service most commonly found?
At ATC units without radar equipment but at airfields with approach/holding/departure procedures
To whom is Procedural Service available?
IFR flights only
Who is responsible for terrain clearance during Procedural Service?
The pilot
What are the identification requirements for a Procedural Service?
It is not required
What pre-flight briefing services are available to VFR flight at aerodromes with self-briefing facilities?
British Isles En Route and Aerodrome Bulletins
Navigation Warning Bulletins
What is a flight plan?
An ATC message compiled by or on behalf of the aircraft commander to a set ICAO format then transmitted by the appropriate ATS authority to organisations concerned with the flight
What else is the CAA Flight Plan Form called?
Form CA48
What could the consequence be of incorrectly completing for CA48?
It may result in delays of processing and ultimately the flights
What is ‘booking out’?
The process of informing the ATS unit of a flight at an aerodrome before departure
When an aerodrome is PPR,…does not constitute prior permission
Filing a flight plan
When may private pilots file a flight plan?
For any flight
When are private pilots ADVISED to file a flight plan?
If intending to fly more than 10nm from the coast or over sparsely populated or mountainous areas
List the circumstances under which a pilot MUST file a flight plan
For flights in controlled airspace, which are conducted in accordance with IFR
For flights within Class C and D airspace conducted in accordance with VFR
Wishing to receive an Air Traffic Advisory Service (Class F)
For flights crossing a UK international FIR boundary
For flights where the destination is more than 40 km from the aerodrome of departure and the aircraft’s maximum weight authorised exceeds 5700 kg
Which, if any, IFR flight does not require filing a flight plan?
Those in Open FIR
At what minimum time limit should one file a flight plan prior to flight?
30 mins before taxi or startup clearance
60 when the controlling authority is London, Manchester or Scottish Control
A flight plan can be filed…
When airborne
If intending to enter controlled airspace, how much notice must be given when in flight?
10 minutes
If the departure aerodrome does not have an ATSU, how may flight plans be filed?
By telephone or facsimile to designated air traffic units
A responsible person should then inform the parent ATSU once the flight is airborne
How ought a flight plan be completed at an aerodrome with no ATSU?
By appointing a responsible person at an arrival airfield
At what point should a flight plan be cancelled in exchange for a new one?
60 minutes chocks-off delay (30 minutes if part of the flight enters controlled airspace)
What is a DLA message?
A way of informing ATC of a delay of up to 30 minutes
What must be done if a pilot lands at an aerodrome other than that listed in the flight plan?
The ATSU at the specified destination must be advised within 30 minutes of the ETA
What is the primary method in the UK for obtaining a pre-flight meteorological briefing?
What are the three main methods for obtaining information for meteorological self-briefing?
Aerodrome facilities
Dial-up METFAX fax service
Met Office website
What should happen if you experience severe weather conditions?
You should inform the appropriate ATC unit ASAP
If an area is not covered for MET conditions by the standard UK services, where should one look for information?
Designated forecast offices as listed in GEN 3-5
What notice should be given when obtaining a briefing for met conditions in unfamiliar areas?
4 hours for flights over 500nm
2 hours for flights under 500nm
Where might one find VOLMET broadcasts for certain aerodromes?
On specific VHF frequencies
What does ATIS stand for?
Automated Terminal Information Service
In aviation, what is generally meant by ‘facilitation’?
The simplification of formalities in moving aircraft across international boundaries
What are the broad rules surrounding facilitation for private aircraft in non-EU countries?
Unless special permissions have been obtained, the pilot may not land anywhere other than a customs airport
Any person who has arrived or is seeking to leave Great Britain by aircraft from a non-designated airfield must…
Give a minimum of 12 hours notice (24 hours in some cases) to the relevant police department
What is the Common Travel Area?
Channels Islands, Republic of Ireland, Isle of Man, Northern Ireland
Flights within the Common Travel Area will normally require…notice of arrival and departure if the arrival or departure is…
Who has to give permission for this?
24 hours
From a non-designated airfield
Special Branch
The Channel Islands are regarded as…for…
Places outside of the EU
The purposes of arrival and departure procedures
Which flights are exempted from en route navigation service levies?
Those made entirely under VFR
Starting and finishing at the same aerodrome
Those made by aircraft with a maximum total authorised weight of less than 2,000 kg