Chapter 5 - Airspace Flashcards
How many FIRs does the UK have? What are they?
London FIR
Scottish FIR
What is the vertical range of the UK FIRs?
Surface to 19,500 feet
What is the airspace called above the FIRs? How else is this known in the UK?
Upper airspace
Upper Information Regions (UIRs)
What is the vertical extent of the UK UIRs?
19,500 feet to 66,000 feet
What are the two distinct categories of airspace?
Controlled airspace
Uncontrolled airspace
Which airspace categories are assigned to uncontrolled airspace in the UK?
F and G
What are the four broad classes of airspace to be found in the UK?
Control Zones (CTR)
Terminal Control Areas (TCA)
Control Areas (CTA)
Describe the purpose and limitations of Control Zones (CTRs)
- Airspace around certain aerodromes in which ATC is provided to all flights
- Ground level to a specified altitude/flight level
- Minimum 5 nm either side of the centre of the airport, in the direction of the approach path
Describe the purpose of TCAs
How else can it be abbreviated?
- A Control Area at the confluence of controlled airspace routes in the vicinity of one or more major aerodromes
- TMA (Terminal manoeuvring area)
Describe a Control Area (CTA)
A portion of airspace in which ATC is provided, and which extends upwards from a specified base altitude or flight level to an upper limit expressed as a flight level
Describe an Airway
A Control Area in the form of a corridor, delineated by radio nav aids
Each has a specific ID code
Extends 5nm each side of a straight line joining certain places
All airways are Class…
VFR operations in controlled airspace are usually confined to Class…because…
D and E
Class A= IFR only
Class B= Not used in UK
Class C= 19,500 feet upwards
SVFR is an authorisation to fly in…(subject to ATC clearance)
A Control Zone
What are the flight conditions specified for SVFR?
- Clear of cloud
- 1500m (800m for helicopters)
- No more than 140kts IAS
- Day only
- Ground visibility of 1500m+ (800m+ for helicopters)
- Cloud ceiling no less than 600ft
The UK also permits SVFR…
At night
Under what circumstances may a PPL holder cross an Airway?
By flying at right angles to the base of the airway where the base of the airway is described as a Flight Level
The Airway must not be entered
Under what circumstances may one penetrate an Airway in VMC?
- By holding a valid IR
- Filing a flight plan
- Requesting a crossing clearance from at least 10 minutes away
When eligible, which other rules must be adhered to when crossing or entering an Airway?
They must be crossed using the shortest possible route
They must be entered while already at the required flight level
How else may uncontrolled UK airspace be known?
The open FIR/Class G airspace
What kinds of areas are included in the Open FIR?
Radar Advisory Service Areas (RASAs)
Which Air Traffic Services are available in Open FIR and what are their sub-divisions (if any)?
Flight Information Service (FIS) Radar Services (including Lower Airspace Radar Advisory Service/LARS) - Traffic Service - Deconfliction Service ATZ/MATZ services
Who provides a FIS in the UK?
London Information or Scottish Information
What services are provided by a FIS?
- Information and warnings on meteorological conditions
- Changes of serviceability in navigational and approach aids
- Condition of aerodrome facilities
- Alerting services
- Aircraft proximity warnings
- Other pertinent safety advice
What Airspace classification are ATZs?
This is governed by the class of airspace in which they are located
What are the standard dimensions of an ATZ?
- Ground level to 2,000 feet aal
- 2nm radius from the centre of the longest runway if the runway is 1,850m or less
- 2.5nm radius from the centre of the longest runway if the runway is greater than 1,850m in length
What is needed for a pilot to be allowed to fly in an ATZ?
- Permission from ATC or…
- Enough information from the AFIS unit to be enable flight within the zone to be made safely or…
- Enough information from the A/G unit for safe flight
What must an aircraft in an ATZ do?
- Maintain a continuous watch on the appropriate frequency for aerodrome communications or keep a watch for visual instructions
- Give position and height to the appropriate unit on entering and leaving the zone
- Make any other standard calls or requested calls
Where do the ATZ rules of flight apply?
- Government aerodromes
- Those with AFIS or ATC units
- National licensed aerodromes with A/G units during hours of watch
When do stricter than usual rules apply to an ATZ?
When in an airspace with more stringent restrictions
Where can ATZ info be found?
AIP AD2, charts and flight guides
What is a MATZ?
A Military Air Traffic Zone
It surrounds existing ATZs around military aerodromes
What are the limitations of MATZs?
- Surface to 3000 feet
- 5nm radius
- With stubs extending a further 5nm along final approach path, from 1,000ft to 3,000ft aal and a 4nm width
While a MATZ is technically…it is strongly advised to enter under the control of the…
MATZ ATC authority
Which are the only controlled airspaces generally of concern to VFR pilots?
D and E
What services are not available in Class G (Open FIR)?
FIS and Radar Services
Where can one find information on flight restrictions and hazards?
What are Prohibited/Restricted areas?
Airspace in which flight is prohibited/restricted
What is a Danger Area?
Defined airspace in which activities dangerous to flight may occur
Where may Danger Areas be found (for the purposes of planning)?
UK AIP (ENR 5) Charts
What is the meaning of an area demarcated by a solid red circle?
A Danger Area (active within published hours)
What is the meaning of an area demarcated by a pecked red circle?
A Danger Area which is inactive unless notified by NOTAM
Where might one find pilotless aircraft? What do they look like?
In Danger Areas up to 60,000 feet
Orange or Red
Under what circumstances may a tall structure be published in AIP ENR 5-4?
When 300 feet or above (agl)
What are the laws for lighting tall structures?
They must be lit when 500 feet agl or above
Where are Aerodrome Obstructions found?
ILS charts
From what height may gliders be towed/launched?
2,000 feet agl or more
What are the restrictions for Captive Balloons?
May be flown without notification
Up to 1,000 feet
Visibility of no less that 5km cloud separation of not less than 1,000 feet
From which height may parachuting take place?
Up to FL150
Where may parachuting take place?
Any licensed or Government aerodrome
Under what conditions may a parachutist drop?
Clear of cloud
In sight of the surface
5km visibility
What are the limitations for parascending?
Up to cloud base or base of airspace (whichever is lower)
Launch cables may be carried up to 2,000 feet agl
Where may cable launching activities be published?
1:500,000 charts
What are the limitations for Hang-Gliding?
Up to cloud base or base of airspace (whichever is lower)
Launch cables may be carried up to 2,000 feet agl
Where are areas of intense microlight activity published?
Pooley’s Flight Guide
What are the danger areas in Areas of Intense Aerial Activity (AIAAs)?
Up to 2,000 feet AGL, but mostly between 250 feet and 500 feet agl
How are gas venting sites identified?
Either AIP ENR or on charts by a magenta circle
What is the potential vertical danger limit of Small Arms Ranges?
500 ft agl
Up to what height may Target Towing Trials take place?
10,000 feet
What are the vertical limits for flying over bird hazards/sanctuaries?
Any listed effective altitude or…
1,500 feet agl
Where can migration patterns and bird concentration areas be found?
Where might temporary bird warnings be published?
By aerodrome ATS units
As Temp Nav Warnings (TNW) when there are indications of imminent flocks/migrations
What effect may High Intensity Radio Transmissions/Areas (HIRT/A) have on your flight?
They may cause radio interference
Describe the airspace around a Royal Flight
Only conducted in controlled airspace where possible
When not possible, temporary controlled airspace is established along the route (CAS-T)
Where is the best place to get info on Royal Flights?
On the corresponding freephone number
How do Royal Flights differ when flown on rotor as opposed to fixed wing?
There are no special ATC procedures put in place in this instance