Chapter 2 - Rules of the Air Flashcards
Rules of the Air
What is SERA?
The Standardised European Rules of the Air
An EU initiative to standardise and promote the flight safety of all EU states based on the standards and recommended practices set down by the ICAO
When was SERA laid down?
26th September 2012
In relation to the UK, to whom do SERA apply?
All aircraft in the UK
All UK registered aircraft wherever they may be
When in aviation, is there defined to be a collision risk?
When one aircraft is at the same level or approaching another, its range is decreasing and its relative bearing remains constant
On whom is it always the duty to avoid collisions?
The PIC/Commander
When may aircraft fly in formation?
When the commanders have agreed to do so
An aircraft which is obliged to give way to another aircraft must avoid…
Passing over or under, or crossing ahead of the other aircraft (unless passing well clear of it)
An aircraft with right of way should…its course and speed
When two aircraft are approaching head on and there is a danger of collision, each must…
Turn right
When an overtaking situation exists in the air, who has right of way?
The aircraft being overtaken
In an overtaking situation in the air, what action must the overtaking aircraft take?
It must always keep out of the way by turning right
When is an air-overtaking judged to exist?
When the overtaking aircraft is within 70 degrees of the overtaken aircraft’s centreline
What action must a glider take when overtaking another glider in the air?
It may turn right or left
What is the order of giving way with regard to converging aircraft?
- Power driven, heavier-than-air aircraft must give way to airships, sailplanes and balloons
- Airships must give way to sailplanes and balloons
- Sailplanes must give way to balloons
When two aircraft are converging at the same altitude, what are the give-way rules?
The aircraft with the other on its right, must give way
What must an aircraft (except balloons) do when in the vicinity of an aerodrome?
- Conform to the traffic pattern or keep clear of the airspace
- Make all turns to the left unless otherwise indicated/instructed
Which aircraft has the priority over others in the traffic pattern/on the surface?
One which is landing or on final approach
Which aircraft has priority when more than one heavier-than-air aircraft are on final approach?
The one which is lower
What are the caveats regarding lower aircraft approach priority?
The aircraft must be in compliance with ATC order instructions
Aircraft in emergencies must be given priority
Power driven, heavier-than-air aircraft must give way to sailplanes
Which direction must aircraft always take off in?
That indicated by ground signals or failing better indications, into wind
An aircraft…land on a runway, unless…
Must not land on a runway which is not clear of other aircraft
ATC otherwise authorises
If landing, but there is another aircraft on the runway, what are ATC likely to say?
“Land after”
What is the meaning of “land after”?
Land after the aircraft on the runway has taken off IF the PIC judges there to be sufficient separation
When is “land after” NEVER issued?
At night
When take-offs an landings are not confined to a runway, a flying machine or glider must…
Leave to its left, any any other aircraft
When take-offs and landings are not confined to a runway and the flying machine is about to take off…
It must manoeuvre so as to leave clear on its left any aircraft
When flying in an Aerodrome Traffic Zone, with whom must the pilot be communicating?
With the aerodrome authority
What are the legal requirements for a pilot when using a line feature to navigate?
Since SERA, the requirement to keep this line feature to the pilot’s left is no longer in place, however this is still cited as common sense
What action must be taken if an aircraft light fails in flight?
If the light cannot be immediately, safely repaired, the aircraft must land as soon as practicable
What are the light configurations for flying machines and airships?
Green on the right
Red on the left
White on the rear
What are the arcs of the possible aircraft navigation lights?
Green and red: 110 degrees from dead ahead
White: 70 degrees either side of dead astern
Flashing red: All directions
When flying at night, red to red is…
Which additional light does an airship tend to carry? What are arc does it show through?
A white nose light through 110 degrees
What lights may a glider show?
Either basic lights or a steady red visible in all directions
What lights are free balloons required to show?
A steady red visible in all directions
How is UK night defined?
30 mins after sunset to 30 mins before sunrise
What are the basic flight rules regarding ground safety and engine failure?
The aircraft must be able to glide clear of people or property on the surface
What is the 500 feet rule?
An aircraft shall not be flown closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle or structure
What are the rules regarding overflying congested areas?
The aircraft shall not:
Fly below a height of 1,000 feet above the highest fixed obstacle within 600 metres of the aircraft
What are the rules regarding overflight of open air assemblies of 1,000 people or more?
The aircraft must not fly under 1,000 feet above the assembly
The aircraft must be able to glide/land clear of the assembly
It must not land or take off within 1,000 metres unless at an aerodrome (and in accordance with procedures) or unless with written permission of the event organiser
When are aircraft exempt from the low flying prohibitions?
- When taking off/landing or checking navigational aids/procedures at a government or licensed aerodrome
- When light aircraft are under training
Which aircraft are exempt from low flying rules?
Captive balloons or kites
What does SVFR allow an aircraft to be exempt from?
The 1,000 foot rule
Where can SVFR be used?
A licensed or Government aerodrome
Somewhere that SVFR has been permitted by the CAA
…shall be exempt from the 1,000 feet rule because it is becalmed
A balloon
Any…flying over a congested area shall be exempt from the land clear rule
What is exempt from low-flying AND open air assembly rules?
Aircraft flying in accordance with terms of a police air operator’s certificate
What is the rule under which flying displays may be exempt from low flying rules?
They must maintain 1,000 metres horizontally from the gathering of spectators
When may a glider be exempt from the 500 feet rule?
When it is hill-soaring
Any aircraft picking up or dropping off…shall be exempt from the 500 feet rule
Tow-ropes, banners or similar articles
What is the horizontal rule for helicopters at aerodromes?
They must not be operated closer than 60 metres to any persons or structures
Hazardous conditions when encountered, must…
Be reported by the commander of an aircraft
List typical conditions worthy of reporting when in flight
Severe windshear/turbulence
Rapidly deteriorating visibility
An unserviceable runway
Where are aerobatics not approved?
Over congested areas
What are the conditions for the allowance of simulated flight?
There must be dual flying controls
There must be a safety pilot
If necessary, a third pilot should be carried to ensure an adequate lookout
What is required when practicing instrument approaches in VMC?
ATC should be informed
A competent observer
If intercepted on an international flight, what must you do?
Follow instructions and communicate
Notify the appropriate ATSU (if possible)
Attempt communication on 121.50 MHz with callsign and nature of flight
Squawk 7700 unless otherwise instructed
How may an aircraft signal that “you have been intercepted, follow me”?
By rocking its wings and commencing a slow level turn in the direction it wants you to head
How must you respond to an interception wing-rocking? And if it’s at night?
By rocking your wings in response
Flashing your nav lights at irregular intervals
How may an intercepting aircraft tell you that you may proceed with your flight? How should you respond?
By making an abrupt climbing turn of 90 degrees or more (without crossing the path of your aircraft)
Rock your wings
How will an intercepting aircraft signal that it wants you to land? How should you respond?
By circling an aerodrome, lowering its landing gear and overflying a runway in the required direction of landing
Lower your landing gear if possible, overfly the runway and land if safe
How may you signal to an intercepting aircraft that an aerodrome is inadequate?
How may the aircraft suggest an alternate site?
Raising the landing gear (if possible), overflying at 1,000 to 2,000 feet and circling the aerodrome
By raising its gear and rocking its wings
How may you signal that you cannot comply to an intercepting aircraft? How may the intercepter demonstrate his understanding?
By switching all lights on and off in a regular and distinctive manner
By making an abrupt break-away climbing turn
How might you signal distress to an intercepting aircraft?
Switch all lights on and off at irregular intervals
What should you do if you are ever intercepted in foreign airspace?
Inform the CAA’s Safety Investigation & Data Department
What may happen if you’re about to enter a restricted, prohibited or danger area?
Projectiles may be discharged from the ground at 10 second intervals, each showing bursting red and green stars