Chapter 6/7 Flashcards
The best primary evidence of early Saharan history consists of this
A vast number of rock paintings, and engravings
What Indian ritual sacrifices were intended to do
Promote stability in the world
Not an element of the Hindu religion
The denial of the existence of the soul
What it means to call Southeast Asia a “geographically active zone”
The islands are the tops of a chain of active volcanos
Why the Muaryan leader Ashoka converted to Buddhism and became a unique leader
He was overwhelmed by the brutality of his early conquests
How the geography of the Sahara changed over 2500 years
The region has been drying out.
Sahel in arabic means this
The coast
The initial key to opening the Silk road was
The Chinese eagerness for western horses
Why the Brahmins were important
They knew how to preform essential sacrifices correctly
The most important African network of cultural exchange was
Mainly internal folk migrations within sub-Saharan Africa
The Silk Road and Indian Ocean trade fostered this religion
How the Gupta Empire maintained control
It had a powerful national army
The development of metallurgy in Africa included this
No among the wildlife that used to live in the Saharan region
What Indian class and caste systems were connected to
A widespread belief in reincarnation
The Gupta empire collapsed in 550 CE after this
Invasions by the Huns of central Asia
1 difference between Indian and Mediterranean sea fairing
Mediterranean sailors rarely sailed far from shore
Most sub-saharan languages come from this giant linguistic family
the Varna System was developed to create this
Social Order between groups
Not a broad common element underlining African life and culture
A common language
The most renowned of all Indian texts, speaks of Arjuna the greatest warrior in all Indian Legend. He is torn between his social duty to his family, which means killing friends and relatives, or his conscience, when riding to battle in his chariot . The chariot driver, the god Krishna in disguise persuades him to do his duty as warrior and gives him the “divine eye” which allows him to see the true appearance of god.
Geography of Northern India
Mountainous zone
heavily forested foot-hills
high meadows on the edge go the hindu-kush and Himalayan mountain ranges
divided from rest of the zones by the Vindhya and the Deccan, an arid, rocky plateau.
Ancient/modern Indian diversity
The enormous variety in the Indian landscape is mirrored in the patchwork of ethnic and linguistic groups that occupy it, the political fragmentation that has marked most of Indian History, the elaborate hierarchy of social groups into which the Indian pop. is divided, and the 1000s of deities that are worshiped in the innumerable holy places that dot the sub-contenint. Still united in the shared view ad values.
The Monsoon
The most dramatic source of moisture.
The Indian Ocean is slow to warm or cool, and the land swings rapidly between seasonal hots and colds, creating a great wind.
begins in june
Ganges Basin and rain-forest belt gets flooded with moisture .
allows for 3 harvest a year in some places
allows of rice in the wet areas. other crops such as wheat, barley, and millet are also grown.
The class/caste systems in India
skin color has been a persistent concern in Indian society
4 classes (1)Brahmin=priests and scholars (2)Kshatriya= warriors and officials(3)Vaisha=merchants, artisans, and landowners(4)Shudra=peasants and laborers~(5)~=the untouchables, excluded from class system, and avoided at all costs. their jobs were the unwanted ones. sweeping away crematory ashes, and skinning dead animals.
myth were a primordial creature was sacrificed and his body parts turned into the different class divisions.
to further divide pop. people were divided into jati, or birth groups ( castes). jati ate and lived together. did everything with ones jati.
connected with spread of reincarnation
The Brahmins
the intellectual priests and scholars, who are very knowledgeable. the priest taught that every living thing had a essence or atman. Controlled the technology of sacrifice.
not pro written language for this explains why their orally passed sacrificial ideas weren’t wide spread until the Gupta empire
Varna system
used to regulate relations between different groups. included the idea of jati
Indian ritual sacrifices
controlled by Brahmins because they were the only ones who knew how. polytheism used to promote stability in the world.
Women in the Vedic Age
studied sacred lore, composed religious hymns, and participated in sacrificial rituals. they couldn’t own property, and didn’t marry until mid/late teens. a number of strong women appear in the Mahabharata, an epic poem. one women Draupadi married by her own choice- five royal Pandava Brothers.
Alternative paths to salvation
other that the priest rituals and sacrificial practices, one could reach salvation by removing desire, which was the basis of Jainism and Buddhism. once removing desire one could achieve moksha/ liberation/ release of rebirth cycle
big threat to old Vedic religious ways.
rebirth of ones atman, when you die you are reborn into a new form, the status of what your born into is determined by your pervious karma and dharma. Buddhism, Hinduism,Jainism
The Mauryan Empire
- united much of India
- efforts to improve trade
- Ashoka
Chandragupta Maurya conquered Magadha and soon expanded it into the empire. India’s first centralized empire.
expanded throughout the entire sub-continent except the southern tip.
capital was Pataliputra
governed by 6 committees.
The Gupta Empire
- how maintained control - “theater-state” - sources of revenue - collapse - Indian export products
how it maintained control- a strong national army.
“theater-state”- power by persuasion of your conquests
- source of revenue= taxes 25% ON AGRICULTURE!! thats crazy. irrigation tax. special commodities taxes. monopoly on mining of minerals.
collapse= pressure from the Huns in the NW corridor. defense exhausted , empire collapsed by 550 CE. India soon went back to its political fragmentation.
India’s habitual political fragmentation
despite political frag. India still developed in an intellectual, economical, and cultural way. India linked China, SE Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East, E Africa, and the lands of the Mediterranean with its trade routes of land and sea.
also sci. and tech. advances.
this political frag. period saw the rise of important states in central India. divided into the 3 tamil kingdoms, the Cholas, the Pandyas,and the Cheras in S India. lasted 2000 years with conflict, and in the process produced many fine arts.
Mahavira, known as Jina “the conqueror” was the founder of Jainism. The is religion emphasized the holiness of the life force that animates all living creatures. very very non-violent practices. they wore masks to prevent inhaling small insects, and carefully brushed off seats before sitting down.
those who gave themselves entirely over to Jainism would practice extreme asceticism and nudity, and ate only what they were given. many starved to death.
- ultimate spiritual reward
- “Four Noble Truths”
Far more significant that other religions in Indian history buddhism was most influential. its based of the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, or “Buddha”/the enlightened one. Made “4 noble truths” 1. life is suffering 2. suffering arises form desire. 3. the solution to suffering lies in curbing desire. 4. desire can be curbed if a person follows the” 8 fold path”.right views, aspirations, speech, conduct, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and meditation. followers would take vows of celibacy, nonviolence, and poverty.
Buddhism didn’t deny the presence of gods. it just didn’t see there value in a persons own salvation. Nirvana is the overall goal. being released from the rebirth cycle. when buddha died he told his followers to be their own lamps. speed through out India into Central, SE, and E Asia. hierarchy of buddhist monks and nuns came into play.
Mahayana= accepts new features of buddhism
Theravada= sticks to old ways. thus caused conflicts.
Challenged by new movements the Vedic religion was adjusted into Hinduism, a very popular religion even today. Origin in N India Arya peoples . Incorporated elements from dravidian cultures from the South. emphasis on a devotion to a deity. fertility rituals and symbolism. also had elements of buddhism. variety of ways to approach gods. special knowledge of sacred truths, mental/physical discipline, or extraordinary devotion to deity.
Vishnu & Shiva
Hindu emphasized deities. derived fromm Dravidian traditions, in where fertility cults and female deities were an important role in life. Vishnu popular in north, Shiva popular in the south. Hindus believe that when demonic forces are present Vishnu appears on earth. Shiva represents creation and destruction.
Navigational skills of Malay people
a result of several migration waves of southern China. they knew how to ride the monsoon winds and interpret paths of swells, winds, clouds, and bird and sea life. with this knowledge they sent large groups in canoes to places all over the Indian and Atlantic ocean. to settle 1000s of islands.
Southeast Asia’s rise to prominence
because of there tropical location they had monsoons that brought consistent rainfall allowing for sustaining a late pop. rich silt with volcanic soil made for great agriculture.
swidden technque of burning and clearing for crops. most of pop. clustered around river banks. the first political units were small. situated on new silk trade route bringing silk westward into india and Mediterranean. this control of trade rose SE Asian centers to prominence.
Factors contributing to Southeast Asian state building/rise of large political entities
the influence of hindu-buddhist culture from India. being the path of a silk trade route to INDIA AND MEDDIT.
a way station for Indian Missionaries
First major Southeast Asian center. it flourished between 1st and 6th centuries CE. occupied the delta of the Mekong River, capable of supporting a large population. irrigation channels to prevent floods.
was able to dominate the Isthmus of Kra– a key point of the trade route from India to china.
Funan fell at 6th century most likely because trade routes changed
Silk Road
- opening
- regions connected by
- spread of military technologies
trade route linking lands of Mediterranean with China through Iran, mesopotamia, and central Asia. not a single road, manipulated over time.
brought many new crops to mesopotamia.
effected by Zoroastrianism and Christianity.
Pan-African cultural patterns
spoke 100+ languages
Introduction of camels to the Sahara
supported by rock art
came from Arabia
camels made desert travel easier
Trans-Saharan trade routes
started as a trickle during the drying out of the sahara soon began a significant stream.
African metallurgy
hard to explain how the technology reached Africa
early iron work from Meroe, situated at upper nile.
might have been discovered when firing pottery in kilns
The early inhabitants of Madagascar
SE asian islanders went there but with no possibilities of caring enough supplies meant they must have traveled on the coasts of Arabia and India. no trace of journey. made a well known canoe route
Indian Ocean Maritime System
- mariners involved
- Bicultural Indian Ocean society
South china sea, and Malays dominated trade. from E coast India to islands of SE Asia. main traders. W coast India and Persian Gulf.
sailors and merchants were mostly arab and Persians
social impact even though no political power
Sub-Saharan Africa
- “great traditions”
- development of cultural unity
cultual heritage shared by the educated elites. included written language, common legal and belief systems. ethical codes. and other intellectual attitudes.
cultural unity was developed. less apparent then diversity
less dense population. apple room to from and reform polities and societies.