Chapter 6 Flashcards
1st of 3 types of feedback loops in sensorimotor intelligence, this one involving the infants own body. The infant senses motion, sucking, noise, & other stimuli & tries to understand them.
primary circular reactions
Piaget’s term for the way infants think- by using their senses & motor skills- during the 1st period of cognitive development
sensorimotor intelligence
2nd of 3 types of feedback loops in sensorimotor intelligence, this one involving people & objects. Infants respond to other people, to toys, & to any other object they can touch or more.
secondary circular reactions
realization that objects (including people) still exist when they can no longer be seen, touched or heard
object permanence
3rd of 3 types of feedback loops in sensorimotor intelligence, this one involving active exploration & experimentation. Infants explore a range of new activities, varying their responses as a way of learning about the world
tertiary circular reactions
the stage-5 toddler (age 12-18 months) who experiments w/o anticipating the results, using trial & error in active & creative exploration
“little scientist”
a sequence in which an infant first perceives something done by someone else & then performs the same action hours or even days later
deferred imitation
a perceptual experience that helps a person recollect an idea, a thing, or an experience
reminder session
unconscious or automatic memory that is usually stored via habits, emotional responses, routine procedures, & various sensations
implicit memory
memory that is easy to retrieve on demand (as in a specific test) most explicit memory involves consciously learned words, data & concepts
explicit memory
the high-pitched, simplified & repetitive way adults speak to infants & children (also called baby talk or motherless)
child-directed speech
an infants repetition of certain syllables such as ba-ba- ba, that begins when babies are between 6 & 9 months old
single word that is used to express a complete, meaningful though
a sudden increase in an infants vocabulary, especially in the number of nouns, that begins at about 18 months of age
naming explosion
all the methods- word order, verb forms, & so on- that languages use to communicate meaning, apart from the words themselves
average # of words in a typical sentence (called utterance, because children meg not talk in complete sentences). MLU is often used to indicate how advanced a child’s language development is
mean length of utterance (MLU)
signing (3-6months)
two word sentences