Chapter 6 Flashcards
Exam 2
Adolescent developmental process
Early adolescence (ages 11–13)
Middle adolescence (ages 14–18)
Late adolescence (ages 18–21)
Ethical Issues and Concerns Involving Adolescents
What are central ethical themes?
rights & consent
Central ethical themes: rights and consent include?
Freedom to consent to or refuse treatment
Confidentiality and privacy of medical record
Right not to be violated or exploited
What are tightly woven together?`
Confidentiality, Privacy, and Trust
What is difficult to gain once its lost?
Lost trust is difficult to regain.
What is a critical factor in nurse adolescent relationship?
Compassion is a critical factor in nurse-adolescent relationship
freedom from intrusion into one’s personal information
Trust–Privacy–Confidentiality Dilemma include?
Potentially harmful confidential information
Seeking treatment based on confidentiality
Need for private examinations
What are exceptions to autonomy?
Exceptions to autonomy over medical records in abortion
Why can confidentiality not be guarenteed?
Breached with potential threat to patient or others
Varying state reporting requirements
Limits of confidentiality standards with guardians
Respect for Autonomy and Consent Process
Moral self-government:
a clear, self-articulated vision of what they want from healthcare
Ongoing consent process-
What does this mean?
adolescents younger than 18 can give consent
Ongoing consent process-adolescents younger than 18 can give consent
Who does this include?
Emancipated minors
Pregnant and/or married
Enlisted in Armed Forces
Adolescent Health Risk Behaviors, Nonmaleficence, and Beneficence
What are behaviors based on?
Feeling of invincibility
Health risk behaviors
Adolescent Health Risk Behaviors, Nonmaleficence, and Beneficence:
Health behaviors are connected to what?
Health behaviors connected to adolescent death and disability
Adolescent Health Risk Behaviors, Nonmaleficence,and Beneficence
Prevention based education is based on what?
Prevention-based education based on beneficence and nonmaleficence
Prevention-based education based on beneficence and nonmaleficence?
How should you communicate?
Be an ethical giver of communication.
Use fear appeals judiciously.
Use theory-based programs.
Examples of theory based programs?
Harm-reduction programs
BART behavioral intervention program
Abstinence-Only vs. Comprehensive Sex Education Programs
What is the problem with abstinence only education?
Lack of clear meaning of sexual abstinence
Ethical harmfulness of vagueness
Dwindling funding for programs
Abstinence-Only vs. Comprehensive Sex Education Programs
What are current prevention and intervention programs?
Theory-based safe-practices curriculum
Becoming less abstinence focused
What is an ethical dilemma having to do with current and intervention programs?
Ethical dilemma in nurse’s program choice
Sexual Abuse Related to Adolescents includes?
Silence of the sexually abused
Dating violence
Limits of confidentiality
Nursing Care of Adolescents include?
Spiritual considerations
Dependability and authenticity
Realness or credibility
Intervention for hidden hurt
Being forthright, truthful, not deceptive
Spiritual considerations includes?