Chapter 5 Toddlerhood Flashcards
protein deficiency leads to lethargy, irritability, thinning hair, and water swelling in body (mostly belly)
iron, zinc, vitamins: A, B12, C, & D
synaptic density
the number of synaptic connections among neurons
a machine that measures the electrical activity of the Cerebral Cortex
uses a magnetic field to record changes in blood flow and oxygen use in the whole brain in response to stimulation
mental representations
when toddlers think about possible actions and choose the one most likely to workout in their favro
deffered imiatation
the ability to repeat action observed earlier
zone of proximal development
the distance between skills that children have mastered and the ones they can do if guided by someone more competent; adult or peer
private speech
children talking to themselve’s in self guiding way; external becomes internal
the degree of assistance given to kids in zone of proximal development
guided participation
inetaction between two people as they participate in a acultrually valued activity
infinite generativity
the ability to use words and combine them in hella ways
broca’s area
zone in the brain specialized for language production
wernicke’s area
zone in the brain specialized for language comprehension
language acquisition device
the device children are born with that lets them see and grasp grammatical rules in the language around them