Chapter 5: Theories of Work Motivation Flashcards
What is Motivation?
The extent to which persistent effort is directed toward a goal
Characteristics of Motivation
- Effort –> How big is the effort depends on the job
- Persistence
- Direction –> Does the direction benefit the org.
- Goals
Intrinsic Motivation
Intrinsic: comes from direct relationship between worker & job, applied by one self
- More related to Quantity of performance
- Beneficial for complex tasks
- Ex: Feelings of achievement, accomplishment, challenge, and competence
Extrinsic Motivation
Extrinsic: Comes from work environment, applied by someone else
- More related to QUALITY of performance
- Beneficial for simple tasks
Ex : pay, benefit, company policies
Motivation Purity Bias
job candidates who express satisfaction w/ extrinsic reward are perceived as less intrinsically motivated by decision makers
The extent to which an employee contributes in achieving org. objectives
2 Types of Intelligence
1) General cognitive ability
2) Emotional intelligence
General cognitive ability
a person’s information-processing capacities
Emotional intelligence
ability to understand & manager own & other person feelings
4 branch model of Emotional Intelligence
i. Ability to perceiving emotion accurately in oneself & other
ii. Using emotion to facilitate thinking → use emotion to make decision & cognitive process
iii. Understanding emotion, emotional language, signals conveyed by emotions → understand emotional information, determinants & consequences, how emotions change & evolve over time
iv. Managing one’s own & other’s emotions
Need Theories of Work Motivation
People will try to satisfy their needs –> Motivated –> Contributed to performance
Theory of Needs
1) Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
2) Alderfer’s ERG theory
3) McClelland’s theory of needs
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
i. Deficiency needs
ii. Growth needs
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs - Deficiency needs
1) Physiological needs (for the person to survive)
2) Safety needs (for security, stability, freedom from anxiety)
3) Belongingness / social needs (social interaction)
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs - Growth needs
4) Esteem needs (adequacy, competence)
5) Self-actualization (Developing one’s true potential)
Alderfer’s ERG theory
a. 3 categories of needs:
i. Existence needs (Satisfied by material)
ii. Relatednedss needs (satisfied by communication)
iii. Growth needs (fulfilled by personal involvement in work)
McClelleand’s theory of needs
Focus on consequences of needs that result in motivation
3 types of people in McClelland’s theory of needs
1) People high in need for achievement (n Ach)
2) People high in need for affiliation (n Aff) –> Strong desire to establish & maintain relationship
3) People high in need for power (n Pow) –> Desire influence for others
–> Needs are motivational when work setting permits the satisfaction of these needs
5 core characteristics of job
- Skill variety
- Autonomy
- Task significance
- Task identity
- Feedback
Managerial Implications of Need Theories
- Appreciate diversity –> Find out what each employee needs then offer a program that meets their needs
- Appreciate intrinsic motivation