Chapter 4 : Values, Attitudes, & Work Behaviour Flashcards
Broad tendency to prefer certain situation over others
what we consider good & bad
Broad Tendency
values are general & don’t predict behaviour in specific situations
Difference in Values
- Generation (age)
- Culture
Work Centrality
how much does people emphasize work as a central life interest
Ex : japan has high work-centrality, while british has low work centrality
4 dimensions of work-related values differed across cultures (PUMIL)
- Power Distance
- Uncertainty Avoidance
- Masculinity/Feminimity
- Individualism/Collectivism
Power Distance
power inequality
Small : inequality is minimized
Big : inequality is natural
Uncertainty avoidance
How comfortable are we w/ uncertainty / ambiguity
Strong : emphasize rules, work hard
Weak : less concerned w/ rules, emphasize risk taking
Masculinity / femininity
Masculine : differentiate gender roles, men dominance, emphasize economic performance
Feminine : emphasize gender equality, value quality of life
Individual : independence & privacy
Collectivist : loyalty to group
Long-term / short term orientation
Long term : persistence, saving up
Short term : personal stability, face saving, social niceties
Cultural Distance
to which extent culture differs in values
- High distance impedes communication → makes negotiation, joint ventures more difficult
Cultural Tightness vs Looseness
- Tight culture : clear standard & rules for behaviour & have sanctions for those who don’t follow
- Loose culture : more flexible behaviour & more forgiving
Implications of cultural variations
1) Exporting OB theories
2) Importing OB theories
3) Appreciating global customers
4) Developing global employees
Exporting OB theories
each culture’s OB practices might not translate well to others
Importing OB theories
importing other culture OB practices might be hard cuz the value difference
Appreciating global customers
we need to understand our clients around the world
Developing global employees
Cultural Intelligence
capability to function & manage well in a culturally diverse environment
What we’re feeling, which impacts our behaviour later.
Ex : disliking our boss
Attitudes vs Behaviours
Different from behaviour → behaviour is the action
Ex : even tho we dislike our boss, we still be nice to them if we met them
Types of attitudes
- Job satisfaction
- Fairness
- org. commitment
Combination of Belief + Value –> Attitude –> Behaviour
- My job is disturbing my family life (belief)
- I dislike anything that hurts my family (values)
- I dislike my job (attitude)
- I’ll search for another job (behaviour)
Affective Events Theory
events at work influence the emotions we experience, and then impact our attitude
Job Satisfaction
Collection of attitude that people have about their jobs
2 types of job satisfaction
1) Facet satisfaction : focusing on more / less satisfied w/ an aspect of a job
Ex : “i love my work but i hate my boss”
2) Overall satisfaction : average / total of attitude employee have about their job
Ex : “on the whole, i like my job, although some aspect can be improved”
Job descriptive index (JDI)
- Pay satisfaction
- Promotion satisfaction
- Supervision satisfaction
- Co-worker satisfaction
- Work satisfaction
What determines job satisfaction?
Difference in beliefs & values about job
Discrepancy Theory of Job Satisfaction
job satisfaction stems from the difference between job outcomes wanted & outcomes that are perceived to be obtained
Equity Theory
ppl compare input that they invest in a job & output they receive, to others
Equity - Procedural
Procedural : whether process to determine outcome is reasonable & fair
Equity - Interactional
Interactional: when ppl receive respectful & informative communication & explanation about the outcome
Equity - Disposition
Disposition: personality characteristics contribute to job satisfaction (remember OCEAN)
Ex : extraverted tends to be more satisfied
Equity - Mood & Emotion
Moods: less intense, longer lived, & more diffuse feelings
Emotion: intense, often short lived cause by particular event
Emotional Contagion
tendency for mood & emotion to spread within a group
Emotional Labour
requirement for employee to behave according to display rules, despite of their true mood & emotion
Contributors to job satisfaction
- Mentally challenging work
- Meaningful work
- Adequate compensation
- Career opportunities
- People
Dirty work
job that have pyhsical, social, or moral stigma
Characteristics of Dirty Work
- Physically tainted
- Socially tainted
- Morally tainted
Consequences of job satisfaction
1) Absence from work
2) Turnover: resignation from work
3) Performance
4) Organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB)
5) Counterproductive work behaviour
6) Customer’s satisfaction & profit
Details for Absence from work
- Some absence is unavoidable (sick)
- Some org. have attendance control that influence absence more than satisfaction (ex : no pay for missed days)
- Absenteeism culture (referring to to others)
Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB)
voluntary behavior that contributes to org. effectiveness (going above & beyond)
Forms of OCB
- Helping
- Conscientiousness to the details of work
- Ability to remain positive, composed, and cooperative in the face of the challenges, stress, and frustrations
- Courtesy & cooperation
Ex : warning a photocopier about a big job otw
Organizational commitment
Reflects the strength of link between employee & org
3 different types of organizational commitment
1) Affective commitment –> Person stay with org because they WANT to
2) Continuance commitment –> Cost that will incur if they leave org. / lack suitable job alternatives (they HAVE to)
3) Normative commitment –> Based on feeling of obligation (they THINK they SHOULD)
Impact combinations
- AC + NC –> Reduce turnover
- AC –> High performance
- CC –> Low performance
- High CC + low AC –> Poor performance
Commitment Profiles
- Fully committed (high on all 3 type)
- Weakly committed (low on all 3 type)
- Affective dominant
- Affective / normative dominant
- Continuance dominant
- Affective/continuance dominant
Key contributors to org. commitment
- Interesting, satisfying work –> Affective commitment
- Length of time a person is in org. –> Continuance commitment
- Benefits that build a sense of obligation / strong identification within an org. product / loyalty –> Normative commitment
Consequence of high org. commitment
- Imbalance between work & family life
- Provoke unethical/illegal behavior
Ex: general electric price-fixing conspiracy - Lack of innovation & resist change in culture (commitment to form of style of org.)
Impact of changes in workplace to employee comitment
- Changes in nature of employee commitment to the org.
- Changes in focus of employee commitment
- Multiplicity of employer-employee relationship within org. : have core group employee who have high affective commitment & those who commitment not critical