Chapter 1: Organizational Behaviour & Management Flashcards
What is Organization
Social invention to reach common goal through group effort
Social invention
There are PEOPLE in it
Goal Accomplishment
how organisation can SURVIVE & ADAPT TO CHANGE (INNOVATE)
Group effort
What is Organizational Behaviour?
Attitudes & behaviour of individual & groups in organizations
how satisfied ppl with their jobs, how committed they feel to their goals,
cooperation, conflict, innovation, resignation, etc
Human Capital
knowledge, skills, abilities of an organization’s employees
Social Capital
social resources that individual obtains from participation in a social structure, that can assist in work & career
Internal relationship
relationship formed inside an organization
External Relationship
relationship developed w/ external ppl outside organization
Management Practices of The Best Companies to Work
- Flexible work schedule
- Mentorship programs
- Extensive training & development program
- Performance bonuses
- On-site fitness, daycare, & wellness facilities
3 Goals of Organizational Behaviour
- Predicting the behaviour of others
- Explaining why events in organizations occur
- Management
What is Management?
Art of getting things accomplished in organization through others
What is Evidence Based Management?
translating principles based on best scientific evidence into organizational practices
Early Classification on the “Correct” way to manage an organization
- Classical view
- Scientific Management
- Bureaucracy
- Hawthorne studies
- Human relations movement
Classical View
advocate high specialization of labour, intensive coordination, & centralized decision making
Scientific Management
Frederick taylor’s system for using research to determine the optimum
mac weber’s ideal type of organization that included a strict chain of command, detailed rules, high specialization, centralized power, and selection and promotion based on technical competence
Hawthorne studies
psychological & social processes affect productivity and work adjustment
Human relations movement
advocate management styles that were more participative & oriented towards employee needs → critic towards the classic & bureaucracy
What is Red-Tape Mentality
regulations or conformity to formal rules or standards which are excessive, rigid or redundant, or to bureaucracy claimed to hinder or prevent action or decision-making
What is Contemporary Management: The Contingency Approach?
Approach to management that the appropriate management style depends on the situation
3 Types of Managerial Role
- Informational Role
- Interpersonal Role
- Decisional Role
Informational Role (MoDiSpok)
establishing & maintaining interpersonal relations
- Monitor : managers scan internal → to follow current performance | scan external → to keep up w/ ideas and trends
- Disseminator : send info (both facts & preference) to others
- Spokesperson : sending message to external
Interpersonal Role (FiLeLi)
establishing & maintaining interpersonal relations
- Figurehead : symbol of organization rather than active decision makers
–> Ex : speech to a trade group, entertaining clients - Leader : select, mentor, reward, discipline employees
- Liaison : maintain horizontal contact in & outside organization (establish & maintain relationships)
Decisional role [EDaN]
- Entrepreneur : turn problem & opportunities to plans for improved change
- Disturbance handler : deal w/ problems; employee conflicts & address threats to resources and turf (wilayah)
- Negotiator : negotiate w/ other individual / organization
4 Behaviours of Managers
- Routine Communication
- Traditional Management
- Networking
- Human Resource Management
Routine Communication
Sending & receiving info, handling paperwork
Traditional Management
Plan, decision-making, control
interact w/ ppl outside organization, socializing & politicking w/ insiders
Human Resource Management (Manager Behaviour)
motivate, reinforce, manage conflict, punish, staff, train, develop employees
- Climb up the ladder quickly → more network than HRM
- Unit effectiveness & employee satisfaction commitment → more HRM than network
Managerial Agendas: Behaviour Patterns of Successful Managers
- Agenda Setting
- Network
- Agenda Implementation
allows information & establishment of cooperative relationship
Agenda Setting
setting agenda on what they want to accomplish for the org.
Agenda implementation
Managerial Minds: How Managers Think!
Use intuition to:
1. Sense a problem exist
2. Perform well-learned mental tasked quickly (ex : sizing up a written contract)
3. Synthesize isolated piece of info & data
4. Double-check more formal / mechanical analyses (do these projections look correct?)
What is Good Intuition?
problem identify & solving based of systematic & extensive education & experience, allow manager to locate problems within a network of previously acquired info
What is International Managers?
The appropriateness of various leadership styles, motivation technique, communication method, depends on where one is in the world
Contemporary Management Concerns
- Diversity (Local & Global)
- Employee Health and Wellbeing
- Talent Management & Employee Engagement
- Alternative work arrangements
Workplace spirituality?
provide employee w/ meaning, purpose, sense of community, connection to others
Organizational Care
values & principles centred on employee needs, best interest, contribution
Positive Organizational Behaviour
study & application of positively oriented human resource strength and psychological capacities that can be measured, developed, effectively managed for performance improvement in today’s workplace
Psychological Capital
individual positive psychological state of development thats characterized by self-efficacy, optimism, hope, resilience, thriving at work → these can be changed, modified, developed
Talent Management
attracting, retaining, deploying ppl w/ the required skills to meet business needs
Employee Engagement
employee’s vigour, dedication, absorption
Alternative Work Arrangements
ensure workers have equitable opportunities, fair living wage, not exposed to dangerous working condition, discrimination, job insecurity, etc
Precarious Work
work that’s risky, uncertain, unpredictable for workers → pay is low / unreliable, no benefits, hours are uncertain & inconsistent
Corporate social responsibility
org. social impact (they have to be socially responsible)
Internal –> Focused on the internal workforce
External –> Focused on community, environment, and consumer