Chapter 10: Communication Flashcards
The process by which
information is exchanged
between a sender and a
Effective communication
Communication whereby
the right people receive the
right information in a timely
Chain of command
of authority and formal
reporting relationships.
Downward communication
f ows from the top of the organization toward the bottom
Upward communication
flows from the bottom of the organization toward the top
Horizontal communication
occurs between departments or functional units, usually as a
means of coordinating effort
Deficiencies in the chain of command of communication
1) Fails to consider informal communication
2) Slowness of communication
3) Filtering
The tendency for a message to be watered down or stopped during transmission
The constructive
expression of disagreement
or concern about work unit
or organizational practices. AKA Speaking up
Mum effect
The tendency
to avoid communicating
unfavourable news to
Who is inclined to exercise voice, and when?
more satisfied employees who
identify more strongly with their work unit or organization are most likely to speak up, as are
those who are conscientious and extraverted.
organization’s informal
communication network. (Like social media & WOM)
What motivates people to gossip via the grapevine?
a timely,
inexpensive source of information that simply isn’t available through other channels.
Pros of Grapevine
- Keep employees informed about important organizational matters
- Can be a substitute for formal communication
- Test employee reactions to proposed changes without making formal commitments
Cons of grapevine
The grapevine can become a real problem for the organization when it becomes a constant
pipeline for rumours
The verbal language of work
1) Jargon
2) Humour
language used by job
holders or members of
particular occupations or
humour can create positive emotions that can in turn facilitate attention, understanding,
and message acceptance on the part of the receiver.
Indeed, numerous studies confirm that
humour operates by affecting the emotions of the recipient of the communication, whether
that recipient is a co-worker, subordinate, or customer.
Don’t have too much humour
Non-Verbal Communication
The transmission of messages by some medium other than speech or writing.
The Non-Verbal Language of Work
1) Body Language
2) Props, Artifacts, and Costumes
Body Language
Non-Verbal Communication by means of a sender’s bodily motions, facial expressions, or physical location