Chapter 5 - Sleep Flashcards
any re peating cycle of biological activity, such as sleep and walking cycles or changes in body temperature
Sleep is an innate ___ ___: cannot be complete ignored.
biological rhythm
Light and dark help tie sleep ___ to 24-hour days
Normal range of sleep ____ per night
Short sleepers: Average __ hours per night
Long sleepers: Average __ or more hours
Awake and alert
Small, fast brain waves associated with being awake and alert
Beta Waves
Immediately Before sleep; slower and larger waves
Large, slow brain waves are associated with relaxation and falling asleep
Alpha Waves
Dreaming and return of high-frequency brain waves
Stage of sleep marked by rapid eye movements, high frequency brain waves and dreaming
REM sleep
Occurs during all sleep stages
Non-rapid eye movement sleep characteristic of sleep stages 1,2, 3, 4
non-REM (NREM) sleep
Levels of sleep identified by brain-wave patterns and behavioral changes
sleep stages
Device that records electrical activity in the brain
electroencephalograph (EEG)
Awake = Beta waves
Eyes closed, relaxed = alpha waves
Stage 1 = small, irregular waves
Stage 2 = Sleep Spindles
Stage 3 = Delta Waves appear
Stage 4 = Mostly Delta
Swift eye movements during sleep
rapid eye movements (REMs)
marked by small, irregular brain waves and some alpha waves
light sleep (stage 1) sleep
distinctive bursts of brain-wave activity that indicate a person is asleep
sleep spindles
Large, slow brain waves that occur in deeper sleep (stages 3 and 4
delta waves
the deepest form of normal sleep
deep sleep (stage 4 sleep)
the occurrence of extra rapid eye movement sleep following REM sleep deprivation
REM rebound
proposals that lowering body and brain activity and metabolism during sleep may help conserve energy and lengthen life
repair/restorative theories of sleep
being prevented from getting desired or needed amounts of sleep
sleep deprivation
a brief shift in brain-wave patterns to those of sleep
a major disruption of mental and emotional functioning brought about by sleep loss
sleep-deprivation psychosis
strongly heald thought ot beleife that is at odds with reality
a psychosis marked by severe delusions of grandeur, jealousy, persecution, or similar preoccupations
Delusional disorder
perception with no basis in reality
any theory of behavior that emphasizes internal conflicts, motives, and unconscious forces
psychodynamic theories
freudian beleif that many dreams express uncoscious desires
wish fullfillment
images that have deeper symbolic meaning
dream symbols
the surface, visibile content of a dream, dream images as the dreamer remembers them
manifest content
hidden, symbolic meaning of a dream, as revealed by dream interpretation and analysis
latent content
proposition that dreams are how brains process the random electrical disccharges of REM sleep
proposal that dreams reflect everyday waking thoughts and emotions
neurocognitive dream theory
difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep
insomina disorder
caused by worry, stress, and excitement
temporary insomina
caused by withdrawal from sleeping pills
drug dependency insomnia
sudden sleep attacks, occur anywhere, anytime
breathing stops for a period of time
sleep apnea
sleep walking, sleep talking, and sleep sex
disorder of arousal
bad dreams that take place during REM sleep
person suffers total panic and may hallucinate frightening dream images into the bedroom
sleep terrors
- Hobson and McCarley
- During REM sleep, lower brain centers are activated in random fashion
- Brain tries to interpret random information by searching through stored memories and creates dreams
Activations- Synthesis Hypothesis
- Domhoff
- Dreams have much in common with waking thought
- Dreams are conscious expressions of REM sleep processes that sort and store daily experiences
- No deeper, symbolic meaning to dreams
Neurocognitive Dream Theory
difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep
Insomnia disorder
caused by worry, stress, and excitement
Temporary insomnia
caused by withdrawal from sleeping pills
Drug-dependency insomnia
Behavioral Remedies for Insomnia
Relaxation - Stimulus Control
Exercise - Sleep restriction
Food intake - Paradoxical intention
stimulant avoidance
The pattern of internal bodily changes that occurs at times of relaxtion
relaxation response
a substance that increases activity in the body and nervous system
Stimulant Avoidance (upper)
linking a particular response with a specific stimuli
stimulus controls