Chapter 2 - Brain & Behavior Flashcards
What are the two main branches of the nervous system?
central and peripheral
The Central Nervous System (CNS).
Brain and the spinal cord.
A column of nerves that transmits information between the brain and the peripheral nervous system?
Spinal cord
Major nerves that carry sensory and motor messages in and out of the spinal cord
Spinal nerves
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
The part of the nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord
a cell in the nervous system that transmits information
large bundles of many neuron fibers (called axons). or a bundle of neuron axons.
Major nerves that leave the brain without passing through the spinal cord
cranial nerves
The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) can be divided into two major parts which are?
The somatic nervous system (SNS) & The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
A network linking the spinal cord with the body and sense organs.
Somatic nervous system (SNS)
The collection of axons that carry information to and from internal organs and glands
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) can be divided into two branches:
Sympathetic & parasympathetic
The division of the autonomic nervous system that coordinates arousal
initiates “fight or flight”
sympathetic nervous system
The division of the autonomic nervous system that quiets the body and conserves energy
parasympathetic nervous system
Four basic parts of a neuron:
1- Dendrite
2- Cell Body
3 - Axon
4 - Axon terminals
Neuron fibers that receive incoming messages
look like tree roots
The part of the neuron or other cell that contains the nucleus of the cell. Soma - Receives information from the dendrites
Cell Body
the fiber that carries information away from the cell body of a neuron.
bulb-shaped structures at the ends of axons that form synapses with the dendrites and cell bodies of other neurons.
axon terminals
electrically charged molecules called __ are found inside and outside of the each neuron.
The electrical charge of an inactive neuron
resting potential
In neurons, the point at which a nerve impulse is triggered
a brief change in a neurons electrical charge
action potential
insulating material that covers some axons
myelin sheath
a microscopic space over which messages pass between two neurons
the chemical process that carries information from one neuron to another
synaptic transmission
a chemical that moves information from one nervous system cell to another
moves information from one neuron to another - into the synaptic gap.
an area on the surface of neurons and other cells that is sensitive to neurotransmitters or hormones.
receptor sites
The capacity of the brain to change in response to experience
The production of new brain cells
The research strategy of linking specific structure in the brain to specific psychological or behavioral functions
localize function
The thin, wrinkled outer covering of the brain in which high-level processes take place
cerebral cortex
an increase in the relative size of the cerebral cortex
The coortex is composed of two sides, or ___ ____.
cerebral hemispheres
The left and right sides of the cerebral cortex; interconnected by the corpus callosum.
cerebral hemispheres
Differences between the two sides of the body, especially differences in the abilities of the brain hemispheres
The left and right brains have different information processing styles. The right brain _____ vs the left brains ____
The right brain gets the big pattern; the left focuses on small details.
a surgical procedure that involves cutting the corpus callosum
split-brain operation
sense of self, motor control, and higher mental abilities such as reasoning and planning
frontal lobe
sensation such as touch, temperature, and pressure
parietal lobe
primary function of this lobe - vision
posture, coordination, muscle tone, and memory of skills and habits
primary function of this lobe- hearing and language
temporal lobe
The higher level mental processes that allows us to regulate and coordinate our own thought processes
executive functions
The very front of the frontal lobes; involved in the sense of self; executive functions, and planning
prefrontal cortex
a speech disturbance resulting from brain damage
a language area related to grammar and pronunciation
Brocas area
a brain area associated with the control of movement
primary motor cortex
Neurons that become active when a motor action is carried out and when another organism is observed performing the same action.
mirror neurons
A cell in the nervous system that transmits commands from the brain to the muscles
motor neuron
a temporal lobe brain area related to language comprehension
Wernicke’s area
An inability to identify seen objects
visual agnosia
a brain structure that relays sensory information to the cerebral cortex
a small area of the brain that regulates emotional behaviors and basic biological needs
a set of brain structures that play important roles in regulating emotion and memory
limbic system
a part of the limbic system associated with the rapid processing of emotions’ especially fear
part of the limbic system associated with storing memories