Chapter 5 Quasi-Experiments and Non-Experiments Flashcards
Correlational Study
Study of the extent to which one variable is related to another, often referring to non-manipulated variables measured outside the laboratory
Experimental Realism
Effect of attention-grabbing, interesting experiment in compensating for artificiality or demand characteristics
Field Experiment
Experimentally designed field study
Field Study
Study carried out outside the laboratory and usually in the participants’ normal environment
Group Difference Study
A study that compares the measurement of an existing variable in two contrasting groups categorised by long-term or inherent characteristics such as sex, gender, ethnicity, personality, social class and so on
Mundane Realism
Feature of design where experiment resembles everyday life but is not necessarily engaging
Natural Experiment
Events beyond researcher’s design control but where an IV and DV can be identified
Naturalistic Design
Design in which experimenters investigate participants in their everyday environment
Observational Study
Research which gathers data by watching and recording behaviour
Post Facto Research
Research where pre-existing and non-manipulated variables among people are measured for difference or correlation
Experiment in which experimenter does not have complete control over all central variables
Time-Series Design
Design in which behaviour is recorded for a certain period before and after a treatment point in order to look for relatively sudden change
True Experiment
Experiment in which the experimenter has completely control over the manipulation of the independent variable and control of all other relevant variables, including random allocation to conditions