Chapter 2 Measuring People Flashcards
Equal Probability Selection Method (EPSEM)
Procedure for producing a sample into which every case in the target population has an equal probability of being selected
Hypothetical Construct
Phenomenon or construct assumed to exist and used to explain observed effects, but as yet unconfirmed; stays an explanation of effects while evidence supports it
Mixed Methods
An approach which combines both quantitative and qualitative methods as part processes in a single research project
Operational Definition
Definition of phenomenon in terms of the precise procedures taken to measure it
Participant Variables
Person variables (eg memory ability) differing in proportion across different experimental groups, and possibly confounding results
All possible members of a category from which a sample is drawn
Methodological belief that the world’s phenomenon, including human experience and social behaviour, are reducible to observable facts and the mathematical relationships between them. Includes the belief that the only phenomena relent to science are those that can be measured.
Qualitative Approach
Methodological stance gathering qualitative data which usually holds that information about human events and experiences, if reduced to numerical form, loses most of its important meaning for research
Qualitative Data
Information gathered that is not in numerical form
Quantitative Approach
Methodological stance gathering quantitative data following a belief that science requires accurate measurement and quantitative data
Random Number
Number not predictable from those preceding it
To put the trials of, or stimuli used in, an experiment into an unbiased sequence, where prediction of the next term is impossible
Randomly Allocate
To put people into different conditions of an experiment on a random basis
Tendency to treat abstract concepts as real entities
Extent to which findings or measures can be repeated with similar results; consistency of measures
Group selected from population for an investigation
Biased Sample
Sample in which members of a sub-group of the target population are over- or under-represented
Cluster Sample
Groups in the population selected at random from among other similar groups and assumed to be representative of a population
Convenience/Opportunity Sample
Sample selected because they are easily available for testing
Haphazard Sample
Sample selected from population with no conscious bias (but likely not to be truly random)
Purposive Sample
Non-random sampling of individuals likely to be able to make a significant contribution to the data collection for a qualitative project either because of their specific experiences or because of their expertise on a topic
Quota Sample
Sample selected, not randomly, but so that specified groups will appear in numbers
Representative Sample
Type of sample aimed at if results of research are to be generalised; it is hoped that the sample will contain sub-groups of people in direct proportion to their prevalence in the general population
Self-Selecting Sample
Sample selected for study on the basis of members’ own action in arriving at the sampling point
Simple Random Sample
Sample in which every member of the target population has an equal chance of being selected and all possible combinations can be drawn
Stratified Sample
Sample selected so that specified sub-groups will appear in numbers proportional to their size in the target population; within each sub-group cases are randomly selected
Systematic Random Sample
Sample selected by taking the nth case from a list of the target population; ‘random’ if starting point for n is selected at random
Sampling/Selection Bias
Systematic tendency towards over- or under- representation of some categories in a sample
Sampling Frame
The specified range of people from whom a sample will be drawn. Those within a population who can be sampled.
Target Population
Similar to sampling frame but more theoretical. The assumed population of people from which a sample is to be drawn. Very often the aim is to be able to generalise sample results to this population.
Extent to which instruments measure what they are intended to measure. Also, extent to which a research effect can be trusted as real or as not, ‘contaminated’ or confounded
Phenomenon that varies. In psychology usually refers to phenomenon for which an objective measure has been provided.