Chapter 14 Graphical Representation of Data Flashcards
Bar Chart
Chart in which (usually) the X-Axis represents a categorial variable and the Y-Axis can represent frequency, average, percentage etc.
Error Bar
On a bar chart, the vertical line at the top of each bar showing the possible range of error in measurements. The range represented can be +/- one standard deviation, +/- one standard error or a confidence interval for the mean
Line Chart
Chart joining continuous data points in a single line
Time Series
Line chart showing measures of a variable at progressive time intervals
Chart containing whole of continuous data set divided into class intervals with each interval represented by a column proportional to a frequency in the interval
Frequency Polygon
Histogram showing only the peaks of class intervals
Exploratory Data Analysis
Close examination of data by a variety of means, including visual display, before submitting them to significance testing; recommended by Tukey
Stem and Leaf Chart
Exploratory data analysis tool showing every value in a data set but organised into class intervals to give a sideways histogram shape
Cumulative Frequency
Distribution (table or chart) that shows the number of cases that have occurred up to and including the current category
Exploratory data chart showing median, central spread of data and position of relative extremes
Hinge Position
On a box-plot, the lower edge of the box where the first quartile falls and the upper edge where the third quartile falls
Lower Hinge
On a box-plot, the first quartile
Upper Hinge
On a box-plot, the third quartile
Hinge Spread
On a box-plot, the distance between the lower and upper hinges, i.e. the interquartile range (IQR)
Outer Fence
Extreme ‘whisker’ position on a box-plot being, for the lower fence, lower hinge - 1.5 X IQR, and for the upper fence, upper hinge + 1.5 X IQR. If there are no outliers then the fences are the maximum and minimum values.
Adjacent Value
On a box-plot the first value of the data set inside either of the outer fences, nearer to the median