Chapter 5: Perception, Knowledge and Action in Infancy Flashcards
cognitive development
development of behaviours that relate to perception, attention, thinking, remembering and problem-solving
mental representation
internal description of aspects of reality that persists in the absence of these aspects in reality
visual acuity
ability to make fine discrimination between the elements in the visual array
visual accommodation
ability to focus on objects irrespective of their distance from the eye; therefore as an object moves closer toward us, it does not appear to go in and out of focus
visual preference method
to determine whether infants have preferences for certain stimuli, they are shown 2 objects side by side, and the amount of time they spend looking at each other one is then compared
habituation/ recovery
process by which attention to a stimulus gradually declines over time and recovers when a new stimulus is presented; sometimes named habituation/dishabituation
size constancy
understanding that an object remains the same size despite its retinal image size changing as it moves closer/ away from us
shape constancy
understanding that an object remains the same shape even though its retinal image shape changes when it’s viewed from different angles
retinal image size
size of a visually perceived object on the retina of the eyes; the image will vary depending on the real size of the object and its distance from the observer
object unity
understanding that an object is whole/ complete even though part of it may be hidden
subjective contour
when only parts of an object are presented, the remaining contours are “filled in” in order that the complete shape can be observed
prototypical face
most typical example of a face; produced when many different faces are averaged
innate mechanism
mechanism/ ability that does not need to be learned, something we are born knowing
rhythmic pattern of speech
infant-directed speech (motherese)
speech that adults and children over 4 years old use when addressing an infant
object permanence
ability to understand that even if an object is no longer visible, it continues to exist
A not B error
object-searching error that is often made by 8-12- month olds; infants making this error will look for an object where they have most often found it (location A) rather than where they last saw it hidden (location B)
violation of expectation technique
infants are shown an event and are then shown two new events, one of which is consistent with everyday reality (possible), and the other inconsistent (impossible); infants will look longer at the impossible event because it violates their expectancies
core knowledge
basic information about the world, particularly about the physical properties of objects, available to the very young infant and probably innate
ability to perceive directly the number of items without consciously counting them or using another form of calculation; this ability applies to very small numbers
response perseveration
repeating a previously learned response usually when it is no longer appropriate
frontal cortex
one of the 4 main lobes of the cerebral cortex; it is involved in emotional experiences and many cognitive abilities, such as problem solving, planning and judgement
executive functions
process whereby behaviour is directed and controlled in order that the desired goal will be achieved