Chapter 21: Atypical development Flashcards
Williams syndrome
rare neurodevelopmental disorder caused by deletion of about 26 genes from the long arm of chromosome 7
developmental delay
delayed but normal path of development
developmental difference
qualitatively different path of development
lexical development
development of vocabulary
atypical trajectory
sequence of development that departs from the typical sequence
autism spectrum disorder
spectrum of psychological conditions characterised by widespread abnormalities of social interactions and communication, as well as severely restricted interest and highly repetitive behaviour
congenital blindness
condition of being born unable to see or with severe visual impairment
eye-tracking methodology
technology of eye-tracking allows automated recording of eye movements, and allows precise measures of visual behaviour
in Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model, refers to the relation between different microsystems; e.g. relation between school and family
in Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model, this refers to the variety of influences like the mass media, the neighbours and family friends
in Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model, this refers to the cultural level of influence
in Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model, refers to the sociocultural events over the life course
Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model
influential model that places individual human development into the wider context of interaction with the immediate environment, as well as the larger context
in Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model refers to the individual child, their characteristics and the setting where interpersonal relationships relevant at the different points in the lifespan take place
inhibitory control
ability to overcome a prepotent motor response
joint attention
activity in which 2 individuals attend to the same object/ event
central coherence hypothesis of autism
view that autism is due to lack of central coherence, which is reflected in the tendency to process information piecemeal rather than to integrate it
executive function hypothesis of autism
view that autism is due to a deficit in executive function (i.e. skills pertaining to inhibiting inappropriate responses, planning, being mentally flexible, and generating novel ideas)
theory of mind hypothesis of autism
view that people with autism have difficulties in understanding that others have thoughts and beliefs
specific language impairment (SLI)
developmental language disorder that can affect both production and comprehension and that is unrelated to other atypicalities in development
medical procedure used in prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities and foetal infections, in which a small amount of amniotic fluid, which contains foetal tissues, is extracted from the amnion or amniotic sac surrounding a developing foetus, and the foetal DNA is examined for genetic abnormalities
chromosomal structural abnormalities
atypical number of chromosomes/ structural abnormality in one or more chromosomes