In majority dicot, the direct elongation of ________ leads to the formation of primary/secondary root.
Radicle Primary
In ________ primary root is short-lived and is replaced by large number of rests that originate from base of stem called ________ roots (NEET 201
Monocots, fibrous
Identify the types of roots shown in Digal. IA B and C Label X and Y
Digall 1-A-Tap B-Fibrous C-Adventitious: X-Main root, Y-Laterals
Name the 3 root systems
Tap, fibrous, adventitious
Fibrous roots originate from a part of plant other
than radicle T/F
Identify the regions of the root-tip shown in DigQ 2
DigaQ. 2-A-region of maturation, B-region of
elongation, C-region of meristematic activity.
D-root cap. E-root hair
Roat hair arise from __________
Zone of maturation
Ex of fibrous root (1) -
Thimble-like structure covering root apex is called-
Root cap
Tap roof system ex -
Function of root cap-
Protect tender apex of root
Adventitious root definition-
Arise from part of plant other than radicle
Cells of the region of meristematic activity are very big. T/F
F. small
Adventitious root ex (3)-(NEET 2018)
Grass Monstera and banyan free
They have thin walls and dense protoplasm T/F
Function of roots are (4) -
(i) Absorption of water and minerals
(ii) Providing a proper anchorage
(iii) Staring reserve food material
(iv) Synthesis of PGR
Zone responsible for the growth of the root in length is-
Zone of elongation
Hanging structures supporting banyan tree are called-
Prop root
Tap root of ________ and adventitious roof of _________ stare food
Carrot, turnip, sweet potato
Pneumalophores are present in - (NEET 2022)
Stilt root example (2)-
Maize, sugarcane
In some plants growing in _______ areas, roots come out of the ground and grow horizontally/vertically
swampy, vertically
Stilt root arise from lower nodes of stem T/F
Function of penuatophores - (NEET 2022)
Stem develops from ________ of embryo
Identify the modifications of root shown in Diga 3 A and B
DigaQ, 3-A-roots modified for storage in Asparagus, B-Pneumatophore in Rhizophora
Region of stem where leaves are born is called -
Partion between the 2 nodes is called-
Stem conducts water, minerals and photosynthates T/F
Identify the functions (A, B, C and D) of the modifications of stem and its examples (W, X, Y and Z shown in DigaQ 4
DigaQ. 4-A-storage. W - Zaminkand
B-support, X-Axillary bud modified into tendril in
= gourds and gravevines: C-protection, Y - Stem modified into spine in Bougainvillea: D - spread.
Z-Roots arising from nodes in Oxalis
They also act as an organ of perennation to tide ever unfavorable conditions. T/F
Types of buds that the stem bear are-
terminal and axillary bud
Examples of stem modified to store food (5) -
potato, ginger, turmeric, zaminkand, Colocasia
Stem tendrils en (4) (NEET 2016 2022
Gourds (cucumber, pumpkins, watermelon) and grapevines
Stem tendril develop from _________ buds
Allary bud modify into thorns in (2)-INEET 2016, 2022)
Citrus, Bougainvillea
Thorns are woody straight, and pointed T/F
Runners ex (2)-
Strawberry and grass
Some plants of arid regions modify their stem
to flattened stem ex- _______ or fleshy cylindrical stem ex- _________
Opuntia, Euphorbia
What are stolons?
Slender lateral branch arises from the base of the main axis and after growing aerially for sometime arch downwards to touch the ground
Such structures are called ________
Sub-aerial stems example-(4) (NEET 2022)
Offsets, sucker, runner, stolons
Stolons ex (2)-
Mint and Jasmine
What are runners?
Prostrate branched with long internodes, spread of to new niches when older parts die
What are offsets?
A lateral branch with short internodes and each node bearing a rosette of leaves and a tuft of roots
Offsets ex (2) -
Pistia, Eichhornia
What are suckers?
lateral branches originate from the basal and underground portion of stem, grow horizontally beneath the soil, then come out obliquely upward giving rise to leafy shoots
Leaf develops at a _______ and bears a _______ in its and
Node, bud
Suckers ex (3)-
Pineapple, Chrysanthemum, Banana (PCB)
Pitcher plant venus fly trap are also example modified stem T/F (NEET 2016)
F, they are example of modified leaf
_______ bud later develops into a branch
Leaf is attached te stem by a ________
leaf base
Leaves are arranged in a basipetal manner. T/F
F. acropetal manner
In monocat/dicat, the leaf base expands into a sheath covering the stem partially or wholly
Parts of leaf is (3)-
Leaf base, petiole and lamina
Leaves eriginale form shool apical meristem T/F
Identify the parts of a leaf shown in Digal. 5
DigaQ. 5-A-Lamina, B-Stipule, C-Petiole.
D-Leaf base, E-Axillary bud
In some ________ plants, the leaf base may become swollen, which is called-
Leguminous, Pulvinus
Most important vegetative organs for photosynthesis is -
________ bear two small leaf-like structures called-
Leaf base, Stipules
Petiole is long thick and flexible. T/F
F. it is thin not thin
Lamina is also called ________
Leaf blade
Veins provide fluidity to the lead blade T/F
F. rigidity
_________ venation is seen in monocot & _________ venation is seen in dicat
parallel and reticulate
_______ help hold the blade to light
The lamina is incised but doesn’t touch the mine. The leaf is simple/compound
How to differentiate between simple leaf and compound leaflet?
Bud is present in the axil of leaf but not leaflet
In pinnately compound leaf, the leaflets are present on a common avis called-
The middle prominent vein in the lamina is called -
In palmately compound leaf, the leaflets are attached at -
Tip of petiole
Types of phyllotary-(3)
Alternate, Opposite, Whorled
Alternate ex-(3)
Mustard, sunflower, china rose.
(Mnemonic - MSC)
Whorled ex-(2)
Alstonia, Nerium
Identify the types of compound leaves shown in DigaQ 6 Label X
DigaQ. 6-A-pinnately compound leaf. B- palmately compound leaf. X-Rachis
Write the types of compound leaf (2) with one ex of each
Pinnate Neem Palmate - Silk cotton
Leaves store food ex-(2)
Onion, garlic
Leaf tendrils ex-(1)
Peas, sweet peas
In _______ leaves are small and short-lived
Australian Acacia
Insectivorous plants with modified leaves - (2)
Pitcher plant, venus-fly trap
_________ meristem change lo floral meristem to make a flower.
Shoot apical meristem
Identify the different types of phylotaxy (A B and C) and its examples (X Y and Z) shown in DigaQ 7
DigaQ. 7-A-Alternate, B - Opposite,
72. Tip of petiole
C-Whorled: X-China rose, Y - Guava,
Z - Alstonia
Identify the modifications of leaves (A, B and C) and th examples (X, Y and Z) shown in Digalt. 8.
DigaQ. 8-A-support: tendril. B - protection: spines, C-storage fleshy leaves: X-Pea, Y-Cactus, Z-Onion
In racemose, flowers are arranged basipelally T/F
F. in acropetal order
While making a flower, internades don’t elongate and anis condenses T/F
In racemose, flowers are arranged basipelally T/F
Accessory whorls are- (2)
Calyx and corolla
Swollen end of pedicel is called
Thalamus & receptacle
In _______ the calyx and corolla are not distinct hence called ________
Lily. Perianth
When both andraecum and gynoecium is present in a flower, it is called bisexual/unisexual
Opposite ex-(2)
Guava, Calotropis
Actinomorphic means ________ symmetry
Bilateral symmetry means -
Asymmetric ex-(1)
Plants without bracts is called abractate T/F
F. ebractate