Chapter 5: Lipids Flashcards
What are lipids classified as?
- Fats
- Oils
Uses of lipids?
- Energy stores
- Muscle fuel
- padding from shock
- insulation
- cell membrane
- sensory appeal
- nutrient
What are the recommendations from fat?
20-35% energy from dietary fat
<10% from saturated fat
<1% from trans-fat
What are the uses of fat?
- low saturates and trans fat helps reduce heart disease
- unsaturated fat reduces blood clotting
What are the essential polyunsaturated fatty acids?
- omega 6 (linoleic acid)
- omega 3 (linolenic acid)
What is the structure of triglycerides?
- 3 fatty acids + glycerol
- fatty acid: hydrocarbon chain with carboxylic group
What are the chain length classifications?
Short: <10 carbons
Medium: 12-14 carbons
Long: >16 carbons
Describe the chain lengths
no double bonds: saturated fatty acids (solid at rtp) (coconut and palm oil)
double bonds: unsaturated fatty acids (mono if one) (canola)
>2 double bonds: polyunsaturated (plant and fish oil)
- trans and mono are solid at rtp
- oils contain unsaturated
- CIS is when H is in the same position and TRANS is when H is one up and one down
- pork fat is called lard and beef fat is called tallow (both solid)
What is hydrogenation?
- Margarine
- removing C=C bonds by adding hydrogen
- creates trans-fatty acid
What are phospholipids?
Glycerol + 2 fatty acids + phosphorus
- water and fat-soluble
- emulsifier
What are sterols?
- cholesterol
- non-essential nutrient