Chapter 5 - Behavioral Theories of Learning Flashcards
Social Learning Theories
Learning theories that emphasize not only reinforcement but also the effects of cues on thought and of thought on action.
Behavioral Learning Theories
Explanations of learning that emphasize observable changes in behavior.
Cognitive Learning Theories
Explanations of learning that focus on mental processes.
A change in an individual that results from experience.
Environmental conditions that activate the senses; the singular is stimulus.
Unconditioned Stimulus
A stimulus that naturally evokes a particular response.
Unconditioned Response
A behavior that is prompted automatically by a stimulus
Neutral Stimuli
Stimuli that have no effect on a particular response
Conditioned Stimulus
A previously neutral stimulus that evokes a particular response after having been paired with an unconditioned stimulus
Classical Conditioning
The process of repeatedly associating a previously neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus in order to evoke a conditioned response
Operant Conditioning
The use of pleasant or unpleasant consequences to control the occurrence of behavior
Skinner Box
An apparatus developed by B.F. Skinner for observing animal behavior in experiments of operant conditioning
Pleasant or unpleasant conditions that follow behaviors and affect the frequency of future behaviors
A pleasurable consequence that maintains or increases a behavior
Primary Reinforcer
Food, water, or other consequence that satisfies a basic need
Secondary Reinforcer
A consequence that people learn to value through its association with a primary reinforcer
Positive Reinforcer
Pleasurable consequence given to strengthen behavior
Negative Reinforcer
Release from an unpleasant situation, given to strengthen behavior
Premack Principle
Rule stating that enjoyable activities can be used to reinforce participation in less enjoyable activities
Intrinsic Reinforcers
Behaviors that a person enjoys engaging in for their own sake, without any other reward
Extrinsic Reinforcers
Praise or rewards given to motivate people to engage in behavior that they might not do otherwise
Unpleasant consequences used to weaken behavior
Aversive Stimulus
An unpleasant consequence that a person tries to avoid or escape
Presentation Punishment
An aversive stimulus following a behavior, used to decrease the chances that the behavior will occur again
Removal Punishment
Withdrawal of a pleasant consequence that may be reinforcing a behavior, designed to decrease the chances that the behavior will recur.
Response Cost
Procedure of charging misbehaving students against their free time or other privileges
Time Out
Procedure of removing a student from a situation in which misbehavior was being reinforced
The teaching of a new skill or behavior by means of reinforcement for small steps towards the desired goal
The weakening and eventual elimination of a learned behavior as reinforcement is withdrawn
Extinction Burst
The increase in levels of a behavior in the early stages of extinction
Schedule of Reinforcement
The frequency and predictability of reinforcement
Fixed-Ration (FR) schedule
Reinforcement schedule in which desired behavior is rewarded following a fixed number of behaviors
Variable-Ratio (VR) Schedule
Reinforcement schedule in which desired behavior is rewarded following an unpredictable number of behaviors
Fixed-Interval (FI) Schedule
Reinforcement schedule in which desired behavior is rewarded following a constant amount of time.
Variable-Interval (VI) Schedule
Reinforcement schedule in which desired behavior is rewarded following an unpredictable amount of time
Continuation of behavior
Antecedent Stimuli
Events that precede the behaviors
Signals as to which behaviors will be reinforced or punished
Perception of and response to differences in stimuli
Carryover of behaviors, skills, or concepts from one setting or task to another
Imitation of others’ behavior
Observational Learning
Learning by observation and imitation of others
Vicarious Learning
Learning based on observation of the consequences of others’ behavior
Rewarding or punishing one’s own behavior
Cognitive Behavior Modification
Procedures based on both behavioral and cognitive principles for changing one’s own behavior by means of self-talk and self-instruction.