Chapter 10 - Motivating Students to Learn Flashcards
Deficiency Needs
Basic requirements for physical and psychological well-being as identified by Maslow.
The influence of needs and desires on the intensity and direction of behavior.
Growth Needs
Needs for knowing, appreciating, and understanding, which people try to satisfy after their basic needs are met.
A person’s ability to develop his or her full potential.
Attribution Theory
A theory of motivation that focuses on how people explain the causes of their own successes and failures.
Locus of Control
A personality trait that determines whether people attribute responsibility for their own failure or success to internal or external factors.
Expectancy Theory
A theory of motivation based on the belief that people’s efforts to achieve depend on their expectations of reward.
Expectancy-Valence Model
A theory that relates the probability and the incentive value of success to motivation.
Achievement Motivation
The desire to experience success and to participate in activities in which success depends on personal effort and abilities.
Learning Goals
The goals of students who are motivated primarily by desire for knowledge acquisition and self-improvement. Also called mastery goals.
Performance Goals
The goals of students who are motivated primarily by a desire to gain recognition from others and to earn good grades.
Learned Helplessness
The expectation, based on experience, that one’s actions will ultimately lead to failure.
Intrinsic Incentive
An aspect of an activity that people enjoy and, therefore, find motivating.
Extrinsic Incentive
A reward that is external to the activity, such as recognition or a good grade.
Information on the results of one’s efforts.
Contingent Praise
Praise that is effective because it refers directly to specific task performances.