Chapter 5-A Primer on Six Key Teaching Strategies Flashcards
What are 3 key teaching strategies?
- Lecturing
- Discussion
- Questioning
What are 3 other key teaching strategies?
- Small Groups
- Reading and Writing
- Improvisation
What are the values of a good lecture?
It can:
- Increase understanding
- Instigate curiosity
What are 3 reasons for not lecturing exclusively/
- There is less retention from lectures than discussions and more active means of learning.
- They are inferior to reading in terms of retention.
- They can be “deadly.” (Dull)
How long can students generally maintain focus in a lecture?
10 minutes
What are the conditions for effective lecturing?
- It should be an intentionally chosen because it best achieves the learning goals.
- it should not be chosen by default.
- It should not repeat the readings.
If lecture is the method of choice, what are 3 advantages of learning?
- motivation (learners inspired by engaging intructor
- relevance (provide up-to-date info)
- Can stimulate critical thinking
If lecture is the method of choice, what are 2 other advantages of learning?
- integration (bring together material from multiple sources)
- Can observe models of thinking in action
If lecture is the method of choice, what are 2 final advantages of learning?
- common frame of reference to all students
7. efficiency-content can be covered in a short period of time.
Why do lectures often fail?
They are poorly organized, indifferently delivered, and seemingly irrelevant to student interests.
What are 4 guidelines for lecture?
- Decide on the purpose of a lecture.
- Prepare well.
- Keep it simple.
- Start with a question, problem or a case.
What are 4 additional guidelines for lecture?
- In the introduction, give an overview of the topic and the learning goals.
- Provide a logical and hierarchical organization of concepts .
- Connect the content to previous and subsequent topics.
- Use examples
What are 3 additional guidelines for lecture?
- Exhibit enthusiasm
- Vary nonverbals (eye contacts, move around, gestures)
- Keep an appropriate pace.
What are 3 final guidelines for lecture?
- Vary the presentation. (Use humor. Pause at key points)
- Use audiovisual media.
- Combine lecture with other methods.
Discussion serves at least five purposes:
- Building community
- enhancing relativism
- offering clarification
- generating activity
- increasing affect.
What did Belenky et al. (1986) call a discussion-oriented classroom?
A “connected classroom,” creating a community of learners
How does discussion promote relativism?
- See Knowledge emerging from hypothesizing
- Weigh evidence
- considering alternate perspectives
- reach tentative conclusions as peers puzzle a problem.
How else does discussion benefit learning?
- allows learners to share their confusion
- Can receive immediate feedback
- Promotes active learning, encourages deep processing
- Affectively engaging
What must happen before the discussion?
Instructors must prepare-formulate and plan overall questions.
What are 3 ways of initiating discussion?
- Revealing the goals of the discussion
- using an opening question
- providing a common experience
What is important during a Discussion
- Encourage student-to-student talk.
2. Instructor takes on facilitator role (does not dominate the discussion)
What are options for encouraging continued student involvement in the discussion?
- nonverbal acknowledgment
- silence
- asking for others’ responses
- paraphrasing the comment
- asking a question of the speaker
- posing a question to other class members
How can you mitigate the effect of 80% of instructor prompts are responded to by 20% of the students?
- norm setting
- wait time
- private writing time
- circular seating
- name cards
- inviting all students to comment
What is the recommended minimum time for allowing students to formulate their ideas?.
10 seconds