Chapter 12-Teaching Social And Cultural Issues in Counseling Flashcards
What challenges must instructors be prepared for in teaching multicultural counseling?
- Challenges of upending students’ assumptions and established mores.
- Self-challenge
- Willingness to embrace conflict and uncertainty.
RE: multicultural counseling, Robert Kegan (1998) states students must:
Decide whether they “have culture” or culture “has them.”
Understand cultural relativism
What are students ask to do in learning multicultural counseling?
- Give up allegiances to the customary cultural practices, rituals, and rules for living.
- Transform into a new persona
- Multicultural competency (awareness, knowledge, and skills)
What are 3 notions that guide culturally alert counseling?
- constructivism
- comprehensiveness
- diversity versus disparity
What are 3 other notions that guide culturally alert counseling?
- competencies
- interplay of culture-universality and individuality
- teaching process: experience, personalization, and reflection
How does social construction define culture?
All individuals are ultimately embedded in discourses or assumptions about what is good, true, and beautiful for them.
RE: multicultural counseling, awareness of our social construction makes us:
reflective about our assumptions—including our privileges, oppressions, and hierarchies.
Describe the 2nd guiding notions of multicultural counseling: comprehensiveness
- Broad definition of culture-all groups are “cultured”
- All social groups that humans belong to, ones that form a person’s values and assumptions
- Culture is also external, affects how others see and act toward us.
Describe the third guiding notion: diversity versus disparity
Discussion of power and differential access
Describe fourth guiding notion: multicultural competencies
Counselors move beyond comprehension to culturally alert behaviors and practice.
Counselors learn range of culturally alert counseling skills in accessibility, assessment, and intervention.
Describe the fifth guiding notion of multicultural counseling.
Universality (human qualities we all share) and individuality (temperament and personality), are important.
Describe the sixth guiding notion of multicultural counseling.
Relates to the teaching process
Powerful learning incorporates experience, personalization, and reflection as learning modes.
- Multicultural Counseling and Therapy Theory (MCT)
2. Multicultural Social Justice Criticism (MSJC)
What is common about both multicultural counseling theories?
Ask counselors to think about clients’ contexts, be critical about the social arrangements, not just the individual choices, that result in clients’ self-doubt, lack of resources, and barriers
What 2 themes pervade multicultural counseling frameworks?
- Importance of context
2. Ability to be critical
Describe one key dimension of Multicultural Counseling and Therapy Theory
- Emphasis on context versus the individual
- Both counselor and client identities embedded in individual, family, and cultural contexts.
- Cultural identity theory: clients vary in attitudes toward self, others of same group, different group, and dominant group.
What is another key point of MCT?
- Matching practice with culture
- Counseling enhanced when strategies are consistent with cultural background of client.
- Some cultural groups have multiple helpers.
- Move beyond “repair” or “correction,” toward liberation of consciousness (see oneself in terms of cultural context)
RE: Multicultural Social Justice Criticism, what should all counselors be alert to?
- Discrimination, domination, and subordination, including in writings and actions of teachers of multicultural counseling.
- Combine activism and scholarship.
What does MSJC do for marginalized persons?
- Empowers them
- Students speak from experiences within the context of their own culture stories rather than just scholarship of academicians.
- Open dialogue among all
The course in multicultural counseling can be divided into four units:
- Introduction to Basic Notions (Culture, Social Justice)
- Ethnicity and Race
- Nonethnic Cultural Groups
- Skills for Multicultural Counseling
Orient students to the what, why, and how of culture
Describe and define culture in terms of the multicultural counseling course.
- A group’s way of adapting to environments and caring for each other.
- Internalized norms and external expressions-EX: school cultures, work cultures, family cultures, neighborhood cultures