Chapter 14-Teaching Career Development Flashcards
What is the task of the career counselor?
What is the task of the counselor educator?
- Help client reflect on and make sense of experiences in relation to life role choices.
- Evoke the counselor’s role in the construction of career.
What is a constructivist definition of career?
Telling of a life story, an internal and subjective narrative
Not simply a chronology of job history
How did Peavy describe CAREER?
Evolving biographical narrative under continuous revision
How did Miller-Tiedeman describe CAREER?
Everyone has a career—it is one’s life.
How do constructivist career counselors help clients?
- Discern patterns, hence meaning, from previous life experiences
- Giving voice to their emerging life stories
- Cochran-coauthors of stories in progress
- Value dialogue
According to Peavy, constructivist career counselors possess 3 specific competencies:
- Mindfulness-observe oneself, understand oneself as a constructed(ing) person, with a personal “life career”
- Receptive Inquiry-clients feel safe when being respectfully questioned about past experiences
- Meaning-making facilitation-skills to assist clients in discovering themes, patterns, and meanings
What are other ways that counselors can be educated in career counseling?
- Actual career counseling and reflection
- How to use career theories
- Career assessments
- Career information resources
- Case exploration exercise
- Instructor’s experience as a career counselor
- Introduces StoryTech-narrative experience
What do students do during the case exploration exercise?
- Individually define what they believe to be the career issue(s)
- Imagine desirable outcome for the client
- Plan what they would do as counselors
- Consider differences and similarities between counselor and client
How does the Instructor Anecdote help students see the instructor?
- Allows students to see instructor as a colearner
2. Instructor is a career counselor-in-process.
What guidelines, adapted from Counselor Education for the Twenty-First Century, are important for the career counseling course?
- Respect others and their positions
- maintain an open mind
- Courage to explore one’s own beliefs
- Be okay with resistance and discomfort
- Active Participants
Describe StoryTech
- Arthur Harkins—describes a structured visioning process
- Telling their own life story, enjoying a perfect day, identifying troublesome career beliefs, confronting personal feelings about career future
In reflecting on their own stories, what do students reflect on?
- Look for central themes and contexts which will likely be helpful (or not) to future clients
- Synthesize their life (career) stories.
What do Theories about career patterns attempt to explain?
Patterns in decision making, planning, self-efficacy, and development in career development
How can recognition of how careers and career theories are constructed can ultimately affect how students go about actual counseling?
- Extend realization about construction of career theory into their work with clients
- Aware of career theory(ies) by which they operate
- Alert to informal career theories of their clients