Chapter 5 Flashcards
What is the integument (cutaneous membrane) contain?
the epidermis & dermis
Is the layer deep to the dermis part of the integument/ integumentary system? If so which one? What is the names the layer may be called?
No, is not part of either.
- hypodermis
- subcutaneous layer
- sub q > the common clinical term
- superficial fascia
What does the integumentary system contain?
Integument (skin)
Exocrine glands
Is the integumentary system the largest system of the body?
How much of it is typically body weight?
7% -16%
The outer epidermis is made of of?
stratified squamous epithelial tissue
What is the deeper dermis mostly made of?
connective tissues
What are the functions of the skin and subcutaneous layer?
protection, excretion, maintenance of body temperature, synthesis of vitamin D, storage of lipids…in the sub q not actually part of the integument, detection.
Is the dermis avascular and innervated?
What are the most abundant cells in the epidermis?
About how much of the epidermis do they make up of the dermis?
What do they do?
about 90%!
they produce large amount of keratin.
(not all types of stratified squamous epithelia are keratinized)
How many defined layers does thin skin have and does it have hair or no hair?
4 and yes it has hair.
(most of the body is covered in thin skin.
How many defined layers does thick skin have does it have hair?
5 and no hair.
can be found on palms,soles of feet
What are the five layers of thick skin of the epidermis in order from deepest layer to most superficial? Also which of would not be seen in order to make it thin skin?
- stratum germinativum
- stratum spinosum
- stratum granulosum
- stratum lucidum
- stratum cornem
The stratum lucid is not seen in thin skin.
Which layer of skin determine fingerprints.
stratum germinativum.
Name some things that have a location in the stratum germinativum layer. (one cell layer thick)
location for:
merkel cells > function sensory receptor
melanocytes > determine skin color
basal cells (stem cells) > differentiate into keratinocytes
What does the stratum spinosum consist of? (spiny layer)
- 8 to 10 layers of cells (mostly keratinocytes that appear spiny)
- Langerhans cells which are active in the immune response against microorganisms and skin cancer .
What does the stratum granulosum (grainy layer) consist of?
- 3 to 5 layers of keratinocytes: that have stopped divided and started to produce keratin.
- once the keratin is produced granulosum cells die: makes the grainy appearance happen. (first tough layer)
What does the stratum lucid consist of(clear layer)?
- filled with keratin
- appears dense and clear
what does the stratum corneum consist of? (horny layer)
- 15 to 30 layer of dead keratinized cells.
- nothing more than protein sacs filled with keratin.
What is the process of keratinization?
- This is the formation of the dead, protective cells filled with keratin. (Occurs on all exposed skin surfaces except the eyes.)
- It takes 15 to 30 days for a cell to move from the stratum germinativum to the stratum corneum.
- The stratum corneum is water “resistant”, and is continually being sloughed off the epidermal surface.
What are the two different kinds of perspiration?
insensible and sensible.
What is insensible perspiration?
When the stratum corneum loses interstitial fluid through evaporation. (body loses about a pint a day.
What is sensible perspiration?
water is produced by sweat glands.
What are the two things skin color depends on?
pigmentation and blood circulation
The two pigments of the skin are?
Carotene and melanin.
Hemoglobin also affects skin color as blood circulates through the dermis
What can be converted to vitamin A and plays a role in skin pigmentation?
Melanocytes make _______ and package it in melanosomes.
What is the most influential pigment in all people regardless of skin color (this is a matter of genetics)?
Skin color depends on?
The rate of melanin production, not the number of melanocytes. (As a species we all have about the same number of melanocytes)
What is it called when blood vessels dilate from heat, blushing, rash, some medications, anger and the skin turns red what is this called?
what is cyanosis?
servere and prolong reduction of blood oxygen giving the skin a bluish tint.
pituitary malfunction causes the skin to?
Addison’s diseases > ACTH secretion >
Areas of no pigmentation due to loss of melanocytes is called?
What is calcitriol?
Vitamin D
Vitamin D production and the epidermis:
Sunlight > keratinocytes in the s. Basale & S. Spinosum convert a cholesterol-related molecule into vitamin D3, an inactive form of vitamin D. >diffuses into the bloodstream & travels to the liver where it is converted into an intermediary product > intermediary product travels to the kidneys & is converted into calcitriol, the most active form of vitamin D (Calcitriol is a vitamin that acts like a hormone) > Calcitriol is essential for normal absorption of ________ and __________ in the small intestine.
calcium and phosphorus.
The dermis has two components what are they?
the outer papillary layer and the deeper reticular layer.
Is the dermis highly vascular and innervated?
What does the papillary layer consist of?
- makes up 20% of the dermis.
- mostly loose areolar tissue.
- smaller capillaries, lymphatics, sensory nerve structures
What does the reticular layer consist of?
- 80% of the dermis.
- mostly dense regular connective tissue
- larger blood vessels,lymph vessels, nerve fibers
- provides strength and flexibility.
- hair follicles often extend here.
A cut parallel to a line of cleavage tends to remain _____ and _____ _____.
shut and heal well.
A cut across a line of cleavage tends to _____ _____ and _____.
pull open and scar.
Flexure lines exist as wrinkled areas at movable joints names an example:
anterior wrist.
Is the skin highly innervated?
What are the skins special sensory receptors?
dendrite endings, meissners corpuscle, pacinian corpuscle, merkel cells.
What does the sub q do?
It stabilizes the position of the skin but allows separate movement.
The sub q is connected to what layer of the dermis?
reticular layer.
Where do you receive subcutaneous injections using hypodermic needles?
Sub q layer.
What are the two types of human hair?
vellus hairs and terminal hair
What is vellus hair?
soft fine hair that covers most of the body.
What is terminal hair?
Heavier pigmented hairs that grow on the head eyebrows and other parts of the body after puberty.
What produces hair color?
What are the two types of exocrine glands?
sebaceous (oil) glands, and sweat glands.
What kind of gland is a sebaceous gland?
a holocrine gland that secretes sebum. (oil)
What are the two types of sweat glands?
apocrine and merocrine
Where are apocrine glands found?
armpits, around the nipples and groin. (associated with hair follicles)
When does apocrine gland secrete and when do they become functional?
In response to hormonal or nervous signals and do not become functional until puberty.
Where are merocrine glands found?
they are widely distributed all over the body surface, especially on the palms and soles.( not associated with hair follicles)
Are merocrine glands sensible perspiration?
Are merocrine tubular glands?
What are the functions of merocrine glands?
- cooling the surface of the skin
- excreting water and electrolytes
- flushing microorganisms or harmful chemical from the skin surface.
mammary glands are?
modified apocrine glands, which produce milk.
ceruminous glands are?
modified eccrine glands in the outer ear, which protect the eardrum by producing cerumen, or earwax.
Thermoregulation is the main function of __________ _________, works with the ____________ ___________ as a vital part of hemostasis.
sensible perspiration
cardiovascular system
Nails are dead cells packed with?
Nail production occurs in a deep epidermal fold near the bone called the?
nail root
The thick skin beneath the free edge of the nail is the ________?
The pale crescent moon-shape at the base of the nail is the _______.