Chapter 5/4 Flashcards
As Athensand other great city states began to decline, King Phillip in Macedonia dreamed of taking control. Located north of Greece with rough terrain and cold. The people were hardy and lived in villages not city states. Considered themselves Greek though looked down on as uncivilized.
King Phillips Army
They have fearless kings, Phillips (359) turned the peasants into warriors. Used Harvey phalanxes to penetrate war lines. He the. Prepared for Athens. The city states around Athens could not agree on anything but finally Athens and Thebes teamed up to fight. It was too late.
Battle where Macedonia defeated Athens. 338 This ended Greek independence and put them under Phillips Macedonia. Phillip died at his daughters wedding and his son Alexander became king.
Alexander the Great
Taught by Aristotle: science, math, literature. He was influenced by Homer and the heroic stories of the Trojan War and was a great soldier. When Thebes rebelled he destroyed them and sold them as slaves. Following his fathers plan he attacked Persia.
Persia Invasion
334 35,000 of Alexander’s men met 40,000 Presian men at Granicus River. Alexander charged in and destroyed them. The king of Persia, Darius III vowed revenge and built a huge army. Alexander attacked the weakest point and charged the king. Darius fled with his army.
Conquering the Persian Empire
Darius tried to negotiate but Alexander would not accept. He marched to Egypt where he was welcomed as a liberator and crowned Pharaoh God King. Her built Alexandria and then moved east to Mesopotamia to attack Darius. He built lines of phalanx and Darius fled.
Alexander’s legacy
Antigonus, became king of Mesopotamia
Ptolemy, pharaoh of Egypt
Seleucus, King of Persian empire (Seleucid Empire)
All put complete power over their subjects, no democratic polis. New customs emerged from Persia.