chapter 5 Flashcards
contingent workers:
disposabl american workforce, nontraditional relationship with the worksite employer and the work as part timers, temporaries or independent contractors
maximum flexibiity and low labor costs for employer
process of attracting individuals on a timely basis in sufficent numbers and with appropriate qualifications to apply for jobs with an organisation
alternatives to expensive recruitment:
outsourcing and offshorin, onshoring, overtime
process of hiring an external provider to do the work that was previously done internally
migration of all or a sinificatn part of the development, maintanance and delivery of services to a vendor located in another country
redce costs and increase quality service
moving jobs not to another country but lower cost american cities
employees gain wiht increased income, however fatigue, lack of energy
external environment of recruitment
labor market conditions, active or passive job seekers, legal considerations
active job seekers
trying to find a job wether employed or not
passive job seekers
potential job candidates who are typically emploed, satisfied with their employer and content in their curent role but fi the right opportunity came along they might like to learn more
promotion from within
policy of filling vacancies aboce entry level positions with current employees. incentive to strive for advancement, employees become ware of opportunities, motivation imroves, knowledge of the firm
social media recruting:
employer branding strategy should be in plaece to drive the brand to attract top talent
recruitment process
begins with manager initiating employee requisition
employee requisition
document that specifies job title, department, date the employee is needed for work and other details
recruitment sources
where qualified candidates are located, internal external