chapter 5 Flashcards
type of loose connective tissue dominated by fat
areolar tissue
type of loose connective tissue that lies beneath almost all epithelia
articular cartilage
type of hyaline cartilage found at the ends of bones in movable joints
cartilage forming cells
columnar epithelium
epithelial tissue composed of cells having a tall columnar shape
connective tissue
most widespread and the most varied of all tissues serves to connect the body together and supports and binds protects organs
cuboidal epithelium
epithelial tissue consisting of cells having a cube like shaoe
elastic cartiliage
provides flexible support to external car and epidglottis
endocrine gland
a gland that secretes its product called a hormone directly into the bloodstream
layer of cells forming the epidiermis of the skin and the surface layer of mucous and serous membranes
exocrine gland
a gland that secretes its product into a duct, which then empties onto a body surface or inside a body cavity
sheet of dense connectivie tissue that binds organs and muscles
cells that secrete collagen which forms scar tissue inside a wound
the strongest cartilage forms the discs between vertebrae
the repair and replacement of damged tissue with connective tissue mainly collagen
bacterially-infected necrotic tissue
a collectionof epthieal cells that specialize in secretion of particular substance
glandular epithelium
type of eptihelum consisting of glands that secrete a particular substance
goblet cells
modified columnar cells cells containing secretory vesicles that produce large quantites of mucus
granulation tissue
newly formed tissues inside a wound
hyaline cartilage
the most common type of cartilage found in joints larynx trachea
dense cord like connective tissue that binds bones to bones
metabolic syndrome
a cluster of conditions that include increase blood pressure elevated blood glucose excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels
mucous membrane
epitheal membrane that lines the body surfaces that open directly to the body exterior