Chapter 42 Flashcards
Clinical manifestations of autism
–Inability to relate to others
–Inability to communicate with others
–Limited activities, interests
•Syndrome characterized by degrees of inattention, impulsive behavior, hyperactivity
Clinical manifestation of ADHD
•Clinical manifestations: Vary based on individual •Diagnosis: Multidisciplinary assessment •Treatment: Multidisciplinary –Structure: School, home –Medication •Nursing care: Calm, patient attitude –Family encouragement, support
Involuntary urination beyond age when urination control is commonly acquired
Chronic involuntary fecal soiling beyond age when control is expected (approximately 3 years of age)
Clinical manifestations of Encopresis
–Speech, learning disabilities may accompany this problem
–Without organic cause: Can indicate serious emotional problem
•Form of deliberate, repeated aggressive behavior, usually toward weaker person
Clinical manesfestations of bullying
•Clinical manifestations: Bully acts to have power, control over victim
–Victim often is perceived as “different”
•Clinical manifestations: Strong anxiety resulting in genuine physical symptoms which disappear after child receives permission to remain home from school
–Vomiting; diarrhea; various pains; low-grade fever
School phobia
•Emotional disorder characterized by persistent sadness interfering with daily activities
Clinical manesfestations of depression
•Clinical manifestations: Anger; irritability; appetite and/or sleep changes; physical complaints; difficulty concentrating
•Four principal factors fostering human growth
–Rest and activity
–Adequate hormonal secretion
–Satisfying relationship with person providing consistent, loving human contact and stimulation
Clinical manesfestation of nonorganic failure to thrive
•Clinical manifestation: Listless; seriously below average height, weight; poor muscle tone; loss of subcutaneous fat; long periods of immobility; tactilely defensive
Severe behavioral disturbance affecting language, interaction, attention, perception, and motor activity