Chapter 41 Terroism Response And Disaster Management Flashcards
An act of terror in which fire arms are used in an ongoing assault of multiple people
Active shooter event
The process by which the temporary bond between organophosphate and acetylcholinesterase undergoes hydrolysis resulting in a permanent covalent bond
A type of energy that is emitted from a strong radiologic source. It is the least harmful, penetrating type of radiation, and cannot travel more than a few inches or penetrate most objects.
Alpha radiation
A disease caused by a deadly bacterium that lies dormant in a spore. The germ is released from the spore when exposed to the optimal temperature and moisture, the routes of entry are inhalation, cutaneous and gastrointestinal.
A nerve agent antidote kit containing atropine and pralidoxime chloride delivered as a single dose through one needle
Antidote treatment, nerve agent, auto injector ATNAA
Micro organisms that reproduce by binary fission. The single celled creature is reproduce rapidly. Some conform spores when environmental conditions are harsh.
A type of energy that is emitted from a strong, radiologic source. It is slightly more penetrating an alpha radiation and requires a layer of clothing to stop it.
Beta radiation
A memory device to recall the types of weapons of mass destruction, biologic, nuclear incendiary, chemical an explosive
Produced by bacteria this is the most potent neurotoxin known. It, affects the nervous system‘s ability to function, and causes botulism.
Enlarged lymph nodes that are characteristic in people, infected with the bubonic plague
Bacterial infection that affects the one Fattic system, transmitted by infected rodents in fleas characterized by a cute malice fever in the formation of tender enlarged inflamed lymph nodes that appear as lesions call boubos also called the Black Death
Bubonic plague
The first chemical agent ever used in warfare it has a distinct odor of bleach, and creates a green haze when released as gas produces upper airway, irritation, and choking sensation
Chlorine (CI)
An act in which the public safety community generally has no prior knowledge of the time location, or nature of the attack
Occurs when a person is contaminated by an agent as a result of coming in contact with another contaminated person
Cross contamination
An agent that affects the body’s ability to use oxygen it is colorless, gas that has an odor similar to almonds the effects Begin on the cellular level, and are very rapidly seen at the organ and system levels
A natural process in which a material that is unstable attempts to stabilize itself by changing its structure
Name given to an explosive radiologic dispersed device
Dirty bomb
An animal that once infected spreads, it is used to another animal
Disease vector
The means by which a terrorist will spread an agent for example, through water supply
Terrorism that is carried out by people in their own country
Domestic terrorism
A nerve agent antidote kit containing atropine and pralidoxime chloride delivered as a single dose through one needle
Duodote auto injector
Early nerve agent that were developed by German scientist in the period after World War I, and into World War II. There are three such agents Serin soman and tabun
G agents
A type of energy that is emitted from a strong, radiologic source that travels faster and has more energy than alpha and beta rays can easily penetrate through human body, and require lead or several inches of concrete to prevent penetration
Gamma, radiation
The period of time between a person being exposed to an agent, and the time when symptoms appear
Terrorism that is carried out by people in a country, other than their own, also known as cross the border terrorism
International terrorism
Energy that is emitted in the form of rays or particles
Ionizing radiation
A blistering agent that has rapid onset of symptoms and produces immediate intense pain and discomfort on contact
Lewisite (L)
An act of terror carried out by a single person to further and ideological goal
Lonewolf terrorist attack
A passive circulatory system in the body that transports, a plasma like liquid called, left a thin fluid that bathes the tissues of the body
Lymphatic system
The area of the lymphatic system where infection fighting cells are housed
Lymph nodes
Excessively constricted people often bilateral after exposure to nerve agent
A substance that mutants damages and changes the structure of DNA in the body cells
A class of chemical called organophosphates they function by blocking and essential enzyme in the nervous system, which causes the bodies organs to become overstimulated and burn out
Nerve agents
Biologic agent that are the deadliest substance known to humans they include botulinum tocsin, and ricin
The type of energy that is emitted from a strong radiologic source involving particles that are among the most powerful forms of radiation
Neutron radiation
The release of an agent after exposure for example, from a person’s clothes that have been exposed to the agent
An outbreak that occurs on a global scale
How long is a chemical agent will stay on a surface before it evaporates
A pulmonary agent that is a product of combustion resulting from a fire at a textile factory, or house, or from metal work or burning Freon
A blistering agent that has a rapid onset of symptoms and produces immediate intense pain and discomfort on contact
Phosgene oxime (CX)
A lung infection, also known as plague pneumonia, that is the result of inhalation of plague causing bacteria
Pneumonic plague
Existing facilities used as mass distribution sites for antibiotics, antidotes and vaccines and other medication’s in supplies during an emergency
Points of distribution PODs
Injuries caused by an explosive pressure wave to the hollow organs of the body
Primary blast injury
Pulmonary trauma, resulting from short range, exposure to the detonation of high energy explosives
Pulmonary blast injuries
A blast injury that falls into one of the following categories, burns, crush injuries, toxic inhalation, medical emergencies, or mental health disorders
Quaternary blast injury
Any material that emits radiation?
Radioactive material
Any container that is designed to disburse radioactive material
Radiologic dispersal device RDD
A neurotoxin derived from mash that is left from the castor Bean causes pulmonary edema in respiratory and circulatory failure leading to death
The Manor, by which a toxic substance enters the body
Route of exposure
A nerve agent that is one of the G agents, a highly volatile colorless and odorless liquid that turns from liquid to gas within seconds to minutes at room temperature
Sarin (GB)
Hey, penetrating, or non-penetrating injury caused by ordnance projectiles or secondary missiles
Secondary blast injury
A secondary explosive used by terrorist set to explode after the initial bomb
Secondary device
A highly contagious, viral disease it is most contagious with blisters begin to form
A nerve agent that is one of the G agents twice as persistent as satin and five times is lethal it has a fruity odor as a result of the type of alcohol used in the agent and is a contact an inhalation hazard that can enter the body through skin absorption in through the respiratory tract
Soman (GD)
Small suitcase, size nuclear weapons, that were designed to destroy individual target, such as important buildings, Bridges tunnels in large ships
Special atomic demolition munitions (SADM)
Terrorism that is funded, and or supported by nations that whole close ties with terrorist groups
State sponsored terrorism
A vesicant it is brown, yellow, oily substance that is generally considered very persistent has the distinct smell of garlic or mustard, and when released is quickly absorbed into the skin, and or mucous membranes begins an irreversible process of damaging the cells
Sulfur mustard (H)
Monitoring usually buy local or state health department of patients presenting to emergency department, an alternative care facilities in recording of EMS call volume and they use of over-the-counter medication’s
Syndromic surveillance
A nerve agent that is one of the three agents 36 times more persistent than sarin in approximately 1/2 as lethal has a fruity smell and it’s unique because the components used to manufacture. The agent are easy to acquire in the agent is easy to manufacture.
Tabun (GA)
An injury from whole body displacement, and subsequent dramatic impact with environmental objects
Tertiary blast injury
One of the G agents it is a clear oily agent that has no odor and looks like baby oil more than 100 times more lethal then Sarin an extremely persistent
V agent (Vx)
The term used to describe danger, posed by an agent that enters the body through the respiratory tract
Vapor hazard
Blister agents the primary route of entry for such agents is through the skin
A group of diseases caused by viruses that include the bola, Rift Valley and yellow fevers among others. This group of viruses causes the blood in the body to sleep out from the tissues and blood vessels.
Viral hemorrhagicum fever’s
Germs that require a living host to multiply and survive
How long a chemical agent will stay on a surface before it evaporates
The creation of a weapon from a I logic agent that is generally found in nature, and that causes disease. The agent is cultivated synthesized, and or mutated to maximize the target populations exposure to the Germ
Any agent designed to bring about mast, death casualties and or massive damage to property and infrastructure also known as weapons of mass destruction
 Weapons of mass casualty (WMC)
Any agent designed to bring about MasterChef casualties, and or massive damage to property and infrastructure also called weapons of mass casualty
Weapons of mass destruction (WMD)