Chapter 4: Weight Management Flashcards
How does the media portray overweight/obese people?
Most pictures cut out the faces of obese people, shows obese people participating in unhealthy behavior, gets bad angles, shows them in tight clothes basically dehumanizes them
How is BMI measured?
Weight (Kg)/height (m^2)
What BMI range is overweight?
What BMI range is obese?
30 or above
What two components make up body composition?
Fat-free mass and body fat
What is fat-free mass?
bone,water,muscle,organs,tissue and teeth
What are the three types of fat?
Subcutaneous, visceral, ectopic
What is subcutaneous fat?
Fat just below the skin which is critical for normal functioning
What is visceral fat?
Fat inside the abdominal wall and surrounding internal organs. Excess fat can cause disease
What is ectopic fat?
Fat that is on or in organs that can lead to disease
What percent body mass? Why is this beneficial to measure?
A device that measures the percentage of body weight that is fat inside your body, more accurate to measure this over weight.
What does energy balance look like?
Energy in (food calories) = Energy out (exercise, digestion, metabolism)
What percentage of men and women are overweight in Canada?
Men: 41.3%
Women: 26.9%
What percentage of men and women are obese in Canada?
Men: 19%
Women: 18%
Why is being overweight harder on girls?
Due to tight weight restrictions that society places on girls it can make it harder to be overweight
What stereotypes surround obese people?
Sloppy, lazy, unsuccessful, don’t care about their weight
Why do obese people avoid healthcare services?
They are discriminated against by health professionals and also are ‘lectured’ on how bad it is to be overweight
How to jobs discriminate against obese people?
People are often overlooked because of their weight
What did the first study at Cornell University in 2003 on weight gain in university reveal?
Freshman 15 is extremely common due to overwhelming work load, less exercise, increased alcohol consumption and a new diet
What problems were their with the Cornell University study on weight gain in 2003?
Very small sample size
What did Ohio State and University Michigan (2011) discover when studying weight gain in university?
More common to gain a few pounds (the freshman 15 was a myth), it also didn’t matter what social class, living condition, or whether you went to university or not, everyone at that age seemed to gain a bit of weight.
What did the meta-analysis in 2015 reveal about weight gain at university?
Took data from 22 studies and concluded that their is a common weight gain of 3 pounds, this is an issue because people in this age group are gaining more weight that at any other age group
What is a meta-analysis?
Gathers many studies and research and puts them together to conclude certain results
What is overweight?
Body weight that is above healthy range
What is obesity?
More serious degree of being overweight
What is a height-weight chart?
Ideal body weights based on age, sex, height made up by statistical analysis of companies
What is BMI?
Gives idea of healthy weight based on the relationship between weight and height, which this relationship doesn’t always exist
What is the body composition analysis?
Determines body weight through different techniques
What is hydrostatic weighing?
Measures a persons density when submerged in water
What is skinfold measure?
Measures thickness of fat under the skin, this info is plugged into formulas that calculate body fat
What is electrical impedance analysis?
Harmless electrical current is passed through the body that determines body fat
What problem can arise from low body fat in females?
Female athlete triad (bone/muscle decay):
- Excessive exercise
- Abnormal eating patterns
- Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation)
What is the ‘right weight’?
No particular right weight, more about a balanced lifestyle of exercise and healthy eating
What is arrival fallacy?
The expectation that you will be happy once you meet a certain goal but, the reality is that you won’t be
What factors contribute to excess body fat?
Genetics, physiological factors, diet, lifestyle, psychological factors
List two illnesses related to severe body image problems.
Body dysmorphic disorder, muscle dysmorphia
What is body dysmorphic disorder?
A person that is overly concerned with their body image and will seek unhealthy ways to lose weight
What is muscle dysmorphia?
Body builders/active people see themselves as unfit/not strong when they really are, can lead to over exercising and the use of drugs
How can we use acceptance and change to help overcome body image problems?
Person needs to realize we are limited by our bodies and need to accept a healthy lifestyle even if we don’t have the ‘perfect’ body. More realistic and positive attitude
What are healthier coping strategies rather than using food as a coping mechanism?
Use communication skills, manage interpersonal conflict, create healthy relationships, get sleep, use food more appropriately
According to the Dove survey what percentage of women described themselves as beautiful?
According the Dove survey what percentage of girls felt comfortable using the word beautiful to describe themselves?
According to the Dove survey how many girls felt pressure to be beautiful?
Models are __% thinner than the female population?
Models weight __% less than the female population?
What two ideas influence body image?
Reflected appraisal, social comparisons
What is reflected appraisal? What does it influence?
What we think people see us as, perceived reactions
What are social comparisons? What does it influence?
We are always comparing ourselves to others
What three things does society need to work on to educate teens on body image?
- Educate for body confidence
- Be better role models
- Work together to promote who you are not what we look like
What is an eating disorder?
Serious disturbance in eating patterns that is caused by negative body image
What is Anorexia Nervosa?
Intense fear of gaining weight, often accompanied by self starving or binge and purging
What are the health effects of anorexia nervosa?
Low blood pressure, fine body hair, dry skin, little body fat, starvation, can cause death
What is Bulimia Nervosa?
Episodes of binge eating and purging because of low self-esteem, poor body image etc.
Why is Bulimia Nervosa hard to recognize?
Because weight fluctuates between 5-10 pounds, no noticeable physical changes
What are health effects of bulimia nervosa?
Strains the body, tooth decay, liver/kidney damage, esophagus damage, can rupture the stomach
What is binge eating disorder?
Binge eating or a lack of control over eating because of guilt, shame coping mechanism.
What health effects come from binge eating disorder?
Most commonly obesity
__% of children are overweight or obese today compared to __% in 1978.
31.5%, 15%
__% of children are overweight
__% of children are obese
19.8%, 11.7%
What recommendations did the Childhood Obesity Foundation put out concerning how to lessen childhood obesity?
5 fruits/veggies a day
2 hours screen time a day
1 hour of physical activity a day
0 sugar sweetened beverages a day
Why is it more important to intervene during childhood to stop obesity?
Children are more open to change, often obesity is carried into adulthood where habits are harder to change
Why do families play an important role in ending childhood obesity?
Obesity usually runs in families, easier to change child when family is involved, parents are necessary for changing child’s behavior, studies have proven that changing obesity in children is more successful when the family is involved
What is CHAMP?
A family based intervention program for obese children and their families
What is the children’s component in CHAMP
Attend a four week camp where they participated in physical activity everyday and were educated about healthy eating and healthy lifestyles
What were the four weekly themes at CHAMP?
Sports week, healthy eating week, Olympics week and adventure week
What children were allowed to participate in CHAMP?
Obese children (BMI greater of equal to the 95th percentile) at risk for type 2 diabetes
What is the parents component in CHAMP?
To attend a meeting every Saturday to be educated on healthy living, to talk about their child and to do family based physical activity
What is the importance of group dynamics in CHAMP?
Positive reinforcement, allowed for group cohesion, taught self sacrifice, created a nonjudgmental place
How much did CHAMP cost?
200 dollars, not including food
What methods of recruitment were used for CHAMP?
Newspaper, library, community center, radio, doctors, posters
What was quantitatively measure at CHAMP?
BMI, measurements, blood tests, heart tests
What was qualitatively measured at CHAMP?
Experiences, quality of life, belonging, questionnaires
What was learned at CHAMP/what can be improved?
Learned: boosted self-efficacy, parents felt control, improved kids quality of life
Improved: maintenance are the camp, family component needed work
What is self-efficacy?
The ability to believe in yourself that you can do something
Why has obesity been on the rise?
People eat out more, portion sizes of increased, people drink less milk and more sugar sweetened beverages, kids are not as likely to be active, build society (elevators, vending machines)
In children, __ percentile is overweight and __ percentile is obese
85th, 95th
Heritage can cause obesity. True or false?