Chapter 1: Health and Wellness (Taking Charge of Your Health) Flashcards
What is the definition of health?
Overall condition of a persons body/mind and the presence or absence of illness/injury
What is the definition of Wellness?
Optimal health and vitality, living life to the fullest
List the seven dimensions of wellness. (Do not describe them)
Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Interpersonal, Occupational, Spiritual, Environmental.
What is physical wellness?
The fitness level of an individual and their ability to care for themselves
What is emotional wellness?
The ability to understand and deal with your feelings
What is intellectual wellness?
The ability to constantly challenge the mind and learn
What is interpersonal wellness?
The ability to develop and maintain satisfying and supportive relationships
What is spiritual wellness?
To possess a set of guiding beliefs, principles, or values that give meaning/purpose to your life
What is environmental wellness?
To live in an environment that promotes wellness and being
What is occupational wellness?
To be safe and comfortable in the workplace and to possess a work/life balance
What is infectious disease?
Communicable from one person to another, examples include the flu, HIV, common cold
What is chronic disease?
Develops and gets worse over time, examples include cancer, diabetes, heart disease
What was the average life expectancy of males and females in the 1900’s?
Male: 58 years
Female: 60 years
What was the average life expectancy of males and females in 2007-2009?
Male: 78 years
Female: 83 years
Why has life expectancy rose over time?
Increased health policy, access to cleaner water and sanitized food, learned how to control and prevent the spread of disease (vaccinations, treatments)
What is morbidity?
What is mortality?
List the three major chronic illnesses in Canada.
Cancer, heart disease and stroke
What is the best way to stop chronic illness?
Through prevention (stop smoking, start exercising, eat healthier etc.)
What is the Pan-Canadian Healthy Living Strategy?
The governments intervention program to address unhealthy lifestyles to help prevent chronic illness.
List the four influences on health.
Sex and gender, ethnicity, income and education, disability
List the two influences on wellness.
Heredity/family history, environment
How to you reach wellness/create a behavior management plan?
- Examine your current health behaviors
- Choose a target behavior
- Learn about your target behavior (risk/benefit)
- Find help to overcome major habits/barriers
How do you build self motivation when trying to reach a goal?
Pros and cons of target behavior/reverting to unhealthy habit
Boost self-efficacy
What is efficacy?
The belief in yourself that you can accomplish a task
What is the stages of change model/transtheoretical model?
- Precontemplation: Person believes it is better NOT to change, even is habit threatens them
- Contemplation: Person knows they have a problem and plan to take action, they just don’t know how to
- Preparation: Person plans to take action soon, may have already started
- Action: Person is fully engaged in their plan, takes a lot of energy and their are feelings of wanting to revert back
- Maintenance: Person has maintained healthy life for 6 months - 5 years
- Termination: Person exits their plan and are now living a healthier life
What are three ways that a person can deal with relapse?
Forgive yourself, move on, give yourself credit for how far you’ve come
What six questions did the Good Vs. Bad science list to test if the research is reliable?
Is the sample representative?
Is the research applicaible to the real world?
Who funded the research?
What the report based on experiemntal or observation science?
How big is the study?
What about other evidence?
To be able to change a persons behavior they must… (5 things)
- Know their behavior causes health problems
- Understand the risk that behavior brings
- Know their are ways to change the behavior
- Must believe that giving up the behavior is more beneficial
- Need to have support
List tips to help stay with your plan.
Tackle one area at a time, do the easiest first, stay informed, create a supportive environment.