Chapter 4 ( Respiratory ) Flashcards
Physiologic dead space equation ?
Physiologic dead space =
tidal volume x ( (Pco2 of alveoli - Pco2 of expired air) / Pco2 of alveoli )
Alveolar ventilation equation ?
Alveolar ventilation =
tidal volume - physiologic dead space
LaPlace’s law ?
Pressure = 2 x surface tension / radius
Surfactant source and molecular structure ?
Type ll pneumocytes
Indicator of mature levels of surfactant in fetus lung ?
Lecithin : sphingomyelin > 2:1
In amniotic fluid
Major site of airway resistance ?
Medium-sized bronchi
Causes of constriction of airways ?
Parasympathetic stimulation
Slow reacting substances of anaphylaxis ( asthma )
Dalton’s law of partial pressures ?
In dry air
Partial pressure = total pressure x fractional gas concentration
In humidified tracheal air
Partial pressure =( total pressure - partial pressure of H2O ) x fractional gas concentration
Dissolved gas equation
Dissolved gas = partial pressure of that gas in blood x solubility of that gas in blood
Examples for perfusion limited exchange and diffusion limited exchange ?
Perfusion limited : N2O CO2 O2 in normal conditions Diffusion limited CO O2 in emphysema , fibrosis , strenuous exercise
Adult Hb and fetal Hb ?
Adult Hb : alpha 2 beta 2
Fetal Hb : alpha 2 gamma 2
Blood O2 content equation ?
O2 content =
( Hb concentration x O2 binding capacity x percentage of saturation ) + dissolved O2
Causes of shift to the right of O2-Hb dissociation curve ?
1- Increased Pco2
2- decreased PH
3- increased temperature
4- increased 2,3-DPG
Causes pf shift to the left of Hb-O2 dissociation curve ?
1- decreased Pco2 2- increased PH 3- decreased temperature 4- decreased 2,3-DPG 5- HbF 6- CO poisoning
Definition and Causes of Hypoxemia ?
Def : decrease in arterial Po2 Causes : Decreased PAo2 Diffusion defect V/Q defect Right to left shunt