Chapter 4: Quiz Flashcards
Acquiring a new response to previously neutral stimulus that reliably signals the arrival of an unconditioned stimulus.
classical conditioning
The stimulyus in a reflex that automatically elicits an unconditioned response
uncoditioned stimulus
the response in a reflex that is automatically elicited by the unconditioned stimulus
unconditioned response
the stimulus that comes to elicit a new response in classical conditioning
conditioned stimulus
the response that is elicit by the conditioned stimulus in classical conditioning
conditioned response
aquiring a new response to the conditioned stimulus
the diminishing of the conditioned response when the unconditioned stimulus no longer follows the conditioned stimulus.
a partial recovery in stength of the conditioned response following a break during extinction training
spontaneous recovery
the elicitation of the conditioned response to stimuli that are similar to the conditioned stimulus. The more similar the stimulus is to the conditioned stimulus, the stronger the response.
stimulus generalization
The eliction of the conditioned response only by the conditioned stimulus or only by a small set of highly similar stimuli that includes the conditioned stimulus.
stimulus discrimination
A principle developed by Edward Thorndike that says that any behavior that results in satisfying consequences tends to be repeated and that any behavior that results in unsatisfying consequences tends to not be repeated
law of effect
Learnign to associate behaviors with their consequences.
operant conditioning
The process by which the probability of a response is increased by the presentation of a reinforcer.
Reinforcement in which an appetitive stimulus is presented
positive reinforcement
reinforcement in which an aversive stimulus is removed.
negative reinforcement
The process by which the probability of a response is decreased by the presentation of a punisher.