Chapter 4- Private Partners in Public Administration Flashcards
basic theme
government’s use of the private sector to assist in performing public services and programs has become significant and will continue to grow into the future
components of the private sector (4)
profit-making companies
non-profit organizations (including “faith-based”)
advocates and advisors
rationales (arguments) for public-private relationships (4)
smaller government argument
business enterprise argument
citizen choice argument
efficient government argument
smaller government argument
smaller government, in general, is better for citizens within free society. Too much government (rules, mandates, etc.) limits citizens’ personal freedoms. Society problems should be addressed by the private sector as often as possible. This philosophy is often referred to as libertarianism
business enterprise argument
the view that any function of government than can be made to generate a profit, should, therefore, be done by private business
citizen choice argument
the view that many private options for providing various services is better than one single government option
efficient government argument
the view that the private sector should be utilized wherever and whenever it can be more efficient- either by providing better service or doing the service cheaper, or both
which argument is the most commonly cited reason for privatization?
efficient government argument
forms of public-private relationships (5)
pure privatization
public-private partnerships
voluntary citizen engagement
government contracts with the private sector to provide specific services to the public or assist the government in providing those services
contracting examples
ambulances, various maintenance services, freeway construction
what is the most common type of public-private relationships?
pure privatization
where the government completely eliminates a function and the private sector completely takes it over
pure privatization examples
trash collection, hospitals, toll roads, postal service
public-private partnerships
government partners with a private company/ organization to create joint control of a function or service, most complex form
examples of public-private partnerships
low income housing, jobs program/ training, homeless services
citizens purchase private services with use of government funds (usually federal or state)
examples of vouchers
low income housing, food stamps (EBT), education
voluntary citizen engagement
government utilizing citizen volunteers to carry out certain public services (usually local government)
examples of voluntary citizen engagement
community clean up, neighborhood crime protection
basic benefit of public-private relationships
they enhance the efficiency and amount of service and programs governments can provide
basic problem of public-private relationships
they make it more difficult to control the quality and outcome of those services and programs
formal forms of citizen engagement
public hearings (most common)
requirements of grants
other requirement of law