Chapter 3- Administration in The Federal Network Flashcards
a system in which governing powers are divided between national and regional (both state and local) authorities/ governments
inter-governmental relations
all government interactions that establish and implement their shared policies, finance their activities and settle conflicts between them
dual federalism (1789-1860)
where the responsibilities and activities of the federal government and state/ local governments were limited and different from each other
cooperative federalism (post 1860)
where the federal government partnered with and assisted state/ local government to carry out a variety of federal responsibilities and activities
centralized federalism
a trend toward increasing federal government involvement and requirements in state/local issues
causes for changes in federal activity (3)
- growing complexity of issues that the federal government needed to act upon
- growth of special interests/ lobbyists that argued for federal action
- growth of financial resources of the federal government
fiscal federalism
the flow of money from the federal government to state/ local governments and the conditions and requirements that go with accepting that money
categorical grants
grants that must be used for a specific purposes
block grants
grants that may be used for a variety of purposes within broad categories
reasons for local government partnerships (3)
cost savings
greater efficiencies
address issues that involve more than just one agency
joint powers agreements
where two or more agencies agree to mutually provide a service or manage an issue
joint service agreements
where one agency hires another agency to provide a service
examples of local government partnerships (could be joint powers or joint service)
fire departments, police departments, animal control, IT services, and vehicle fleet maintenance
major takeaway regarding local government partnerships
local government partnerships will be a major future trend
what is an MPO and why is it important?
a metropolitan planning organization and their role growing and this is another major future trend- especially in California
metropolitan planning organizations original responsibilities (7)
builds consensus on regional issues
acts to communicate and implement state policies at the local level
obtains and allocates resources, including special taxes for regional projects
plans, engineers, and builds public transportation
may operate regional facilities
may operate regional bus and trolley systems
provides information to the public on a broad range of topics pertinent to region’s quality of life
newer responsibilities of metropolitan planning organizations
oversees regional housing requirements and policies
may have land use authority (zoning)