Chapter 4- Neurochemistry Flashcards
What is a synapse?
The “connection” between an axon terminal of one cell (pre-syanptic cell) and the dendrite or soma of another cell (post-synaptic cell)
synaptic cleft
- The small space in between neurons (neurons are not in physical contact)
Neurons are functionally coupled how?
- When one neuron (presynaptic) generates AP, neuron (postsynaptic) with which it’s coupled will exhibit IPSP or EPSP
Summation of EPSPs=action potential
What happens as the result of an action potential?
- The voltage-gated Ca2+ channels at the axon terminal open and Ca2+ enters the cell
- Ca2+ causes synaptic vesicles to fuse w the presynaptic membrane and release nt into the synaptic cleft (process called exocytosis)
What are neurotransmitters?
- the chemical released from the pre-synaptic axon terminal that serves as the basis of communication between neurons
- Each neurotransmitter can trigger a different effect on the post-synaptic cell
Each neurotransmitter can trigger a different effect on the post-synaptic cell
How many neurotransmitters does each neuron release?
- One (or maybe two or three)
- Different neurons release different neurotransmitters (they specialize)
- Each neurotransmitter cab trigger different effects on postsynaptic cell depending on binding to certain receptor
Where are neurotransmitters made?
- Some NT are made in the soma of neurons and then transported to the axon terminals by motor-proteins
- Some neurotransmitters are made in the soma as well as in the axon terminal
How are neurotransmitters produced?
- Neurons must synthesize their NT and move it into vesicles
- A specific enzyme (protein) is involved in producing each NT
- Often, that enzyme converts an amino acid we derive from our diet into a NT
From release to inactivation on the presynaptic side (steps)
- the action potential is propagated over the presynaptic membrane
- Depolarization of the prezynaptic terminal leads to influx of Ca2+
- Ca2+ preomotes exocytosis (the fusion of vesicles with the presynaptic membrane), which releases transmitter into the cleft
- The binding of NT to receptor molecules in the post-synaptic membrane opens channels (so they are no longer active). This permits ion flow and initiating an EPSP or IPSP
- EPSP or IPSP potentials spread over dendrites and cell body to the axon hillock
- Enzyme present in the extracellular space breaks down excess NT/ Reupatake of NT slows synaptic action and recycles NT for subsequent transmission (NT is “prepackaged” and ready for re-release)
- Transmitter binds to the autoreceptors in the presynaptic membrane
enzymes and precursors for synthesis of NT or NT and vesicle wall are continuously transported to axon terminals
What do autoreceptors do?
- regulate release of NT
- Causes release of NT to decrase if there is too much
What does the Reuptake of NT do?
slows synaptic action and recylces NT for subsequent transmission… NT is prepackaged and ready for re-release
What protein will a NT use to go through and back into a cell?
- A transporter
- Never receptors- they only bind to receptors
What is an ionotropic receptor?
- An ionotropic receptor allows ions to flow through when activated
- faster
What is a metabotropic receptor?
- They are couple to a g-protein whihc then activates ion channels
How do ionotropic receptors work?
- Same as ligand-gated ion channels- are chemically triggered
- Form cation (Na+, K+, Ca2+) or anion (Cl-) channels
- NT binding to the channel results in opening of the channel
- Thus, activation of the receptor can result in change in flow of electrically charge ions across the membrane
- Fast responsive
How do metabotropic receptors work?
- 7 transmembrane proteins together make a single receptor protein
- NT binds to the extra cellular domain
- Coupled to GTP-binding (G) proteins which in turn couple to other enzymes or channels
- Thus, activation of the receptor can result in slower biochemical changes within the cell or alterations of membrane polarization bc its a multistep process
What is a heteropentamer?
- Means it is made of 5 different sub-units
- May have binding ability for different NT/drugs
- Same as ligand-gated ion channels
- Activation can result in a change in flow of ions across the membrane
What happens when a receptor is unbound?
It is closed (how they normally are)
What is an endogenous ligand?
A naturally occurring molecule such as a NT that binds to the receptor
What is an agonist?
An endogenous ligand usually activates its cognate receptor and is therefore classified as an agonist
What is an exogenous ligand?
- Resembles the endogenous ligand (is a drug/toxin) and is capable of binding to the receptor and activating it
- AKA a receptor agonist
What is a competitive antagonist?
Substance that bind to the receptors but do not activate them, Instead, they simply block agonists from binding to the receptors. These are classified as competitive antagonists
What is a non-competitive agonist/antagonist?
Some agonist or antagonist drugs may bind to target receptors at a site that is different from where the endogenous ligand binds. Such drugs are called non-competitive agonists or antagonists
Electrochemical transmission
- An active pre-synaptic cell can directly affect the activity of its post-synaptic targets by secreting NT onto them
- This neurotransmitter can: excite the Post-synp. cell by opening inward cation cannels. Inhibit the post-synp. cell by opening outward cation channels or inward anion channels. Alter the biochemical processes within the post-synaptic cell by activating G-protein coupled receptors
What are the criteria for neurotransmitters?
- Chemicals released onto target cells
- Substance exists in presynaptic axon terminal
- Is synthesized in presynaptic cells
- Is released when action potentials reach axon terminals
What are the types of neurotransmitters?
- Amino acids or derivative of amino acids- glutamate, GABA, dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, acetylcholine
- Small proteins-neuropeptides
- Steroids
- Gases- nitric oxide, carbon monoxide
- Endocannabinoids
Glutamate and GABA
- Glutamate and GABA are the most abundant in brain, derived from amino acid glutamine
- Glutamate is the main exitatory NT- Excitation allows one neuron to activate another
- GABA is the main inhibitory NT- Inhibition stops/blocks the activation of a neuron
Seizures are the result of imbalances in this interaction- often caused due to overexcitation
What receptors does glutamate bind to?
- Glutamate is released by terminals and acts on a number of receptors
- Ionotropic: NMDA, AMPA (Na+ gated), Kainate
- NMDA receptor is both ligand- and voltage-gated ion channel (has a magnesium block that needs to be released by depolarization)
- Also Metabotropic
GABA Receptors
- The GABA-A receptor is a Cl- ionotropic receptor
- The GABA-B receptor is metabotropic
- derived from amino acid: Tyrosine
- Norepinephrine neurons play a role in arousal
- Cell activity in the locus Coeruleus is highly correlated with the sleep/wake cycle
- Damage to these cells reduce waking, arousal and vigilance. Abnormal activation of cells results in anxiety and hyperarousal
- Unused NE is removed from the synapse by norepinephrine transporters
- Derived from amino aocid: Tryptophan
- Origniates from raphe nuclei
- sleep/wake cycle
- feeding (hunger and satiety)
- sexual function
- mood- anxiety and depression
- After use, serotonin is removed from the synapse by Serotonin Transporter
- Derived from the amino acid tyrosine (same as norephinephrine)
- Originates from the ventral tegmental area and projects to the limbic and cortical areas
- Originates from the substantia nigra and projects to dorsal striatum
- Involved in movement continuation, reward, reinforcement, and learning
- Abnormalities are associated w parkinson’s, schizophrenia, and drug addiction
- After use, dopamine is removed from the synapse by Dopamine transporter
Mesostriatal pathway
Substantia nigra to striatum (caudate and putamen)
Mesolimbocortical pathway
- VTA to nucleus accumbens to cortex and hippocampus
- derived from Acetyl CoA and Choline
- Originates from the basal forebrain
- Cholinergic nerve cell bodies and projections contain acetylcholine
- Lost in Alzheimer’s disease
- Involved with learning and memory