Chapter 4 lesson 1 Flashcards
Refers to a lifelong social experience by which people develop their human potential and learn culture.
Although it is a general process, ______ takes place in specific contexts.
It is culturally specific:
people in different cultures are socialized differently to hold different beliefs and values and to behave
in different ways.
It is culturally specific:
people in different cultures are socialized differently to hold different beliefs and values and to behave
in different ways.
Is the process by which people learn the requirements of their surrounding culture and acquire the
values and behaviors appropriate or necessary in that culture.
In this process, the influences that limit,
direct, or shape the individual (whether deliberately or not) include parents, other adults and peers.
Three goals of socialization
- Socialization teaches impulse control and helps individuals develop a conscience.
- Socialization teaches individuals how to prepare for and perform certain roles
- Socialization cultivates shared sources of meaning and value.
Sociologist ______ outlined his interpretation of the three primary goals of socialization:
Jeffrey J. Arnett outlined
This goal is accomplished naturally.
- Socialization teaches impulse control and helps individuals develop a conscience.
As people grow up within particular society, they pick up the
expectations of those around them internalize these expectations to moderate their impulses and
develop a conscience.
- Socialization teaches impulse control and helps individuals develop a conscience.
Occupational roles, Gender roles, and the roles of the institution such as marriage and parenthood.
- Socialization teaches individuals how to prepare for and perform certain roles
Through socialization, people learn to identify what is important and valued within a particular culture.
- Socialization cultivates shared sources of meaning and value.
The ____ is a sociological concept.
According to ______ , it develops through social interactions—a
set of situations (i.e. imitation, play, game, generalized others) where individuals learn to assume roles and meet the increasing level of complexity of each situations.
George Herbert Mead
The ‘self’ is a sociological concept. According to George Herbert Mead, it develops through social interactions—a
set of situations (i.e. imitation, play, game, generalized others) where individuals learn to assume roles and meet the increasing level of complexity of each situations.
Mead and the development of the social mind(self)
According to ____ , the absence of social interactions, a person may develop as a biological entity, but he or she will be without the sociality that makes individuals full-pledged members of their society.
Mead proposed a four-staged process of the development of the self.
- Imitation
- Play
- Game
- Generalized other
The child starts with mimicking behaviors and actions of significant others around him or her.
- Imitation
This is the first stage, though some literature did not consider this stage as a part of the process of the
formation of the self.
- Imitation
The child takes different roles he or she observes in “adult” society, and the ___ them out to gain
understanding of the different social roles, as a result of such ___In the game stage, the child must take role of everyone else involved in the game., the child learns to become both
subject and object and begins to become able to build a self.
- Play
However it is a limited self, because the
child can only take the role of a distinct and separate others.
- Play
the child must take role of everyone else involved in the ______.
In this stage, organization begins and definite personalities start to emerge.
Children begin to function in organized groups and most importantly, to determine what they will do
within a specific group.
- Generalized other
can be thought as understanding the given activity and the actors place within the activity from the perspective of all others engaged in the activity.
- Generalized other
____ is the development of an individual’s distinct personality, which is regarded as a persisting entity in a particular stage of life by which a person is recognized or known.
Identity formation
____ is which the individual thinks of him and herself as a discrete and separate entity.
Different variations of identity
- Cultural identity
- Ethnic identity
- National identity
- Religious identity
____ is one’s feeling of identity or affiliation with a group or culture.
- Cultural identity
_______ is the identification with a certain ethnicity , usually the basis of a presume common
genealogy or ancestry.
- Ethnic identity
_____ is an ethical and philosophical concept whereby all humans are divided into groups
called nations.
- National identity
_____ is the set of beliefs and practices generally held by an individual involving
adherence to codified beliefs and rituals and the study of ancestral or cultural traditions.
- Religious identity
Is a rule that guides the behavior of members of a society or group.
are an important part of the cultural
capital that each of us possesses and embodies.
For the most part, ______ are things that we take for granted and spend a little time thinking about it, but we become highly conscious about them when we break or do not follow
Because____ guide our behavior and when broken, they enlist a reaction that is meant to reaffirm them and their cultural importance.
Without ____ our world would be in chaos and we wouldn’t know how to navigate it.
Two variations of norms:
- Mores
- Folkways
____ refers to norms that are widely observed and have great moral significance.
- Mores
_____ refers to norms for routines and casual interaction.
- Folkways
Are culturally defined standards that people use to decide what is desirable, good and beautiful and that serve as broad guidelines for living.
____ not only affect how we see our surroundings, but also help
from our personalities.
Values and beliefs
We learn from families, friends, schools and religious organizations to think according
to particular principles.
With these features of values, Jaime Bulatao identified four basic Filipino values namely:
- Emotional closeness and security in a family
- Approval from authority and of society
- Economic and social betterment
- Patience, endurance and suffering
______ are important concepts in socialization.
Status and roles
Because the behavior of young members of society are
controlled by assigning them certain status which they will enact.
Status and roles
_____ an American sociologist, define status as a ‘position’ in a social system, such as child or parent.
The term _____ refers to all statuses a person holds at a given time.
“Status set”
Sociologists classify statuses in terms of how people attain them:
- Ascribed status
- Achieved status
____ is a social position a person receives at birth or takes on involuntarily later in life.
Ascribed status
______ refers to a social position a person takes on voluntarily that reflects personal identity
and effort.
Achieved status
Example of ascribed:
being a son, a Filipino, a teenager, a widower.
Example of achieved:
honor student, boxing champion, nurse, software writer, and a thief.
____ refers to the behavior expected on someone who hold a particular status.
Therefore, a person holds astatus performs a ____
_____ results from the competing demand of two or more roles that vie for our time and energy.
Role Strain
The more statuses we have the more roles we take on, the more likely we are to experience role conflict.
Role Strain
_____ is a concept that has to be taken very seriously.
Impression management
It has the power and influence to create
a very favorable public opinion of a particular person.
Impression management
It can break a person in regards to social standings, and it can repair a damaged persona.
Impression management
______ has the ability to dictate a person’s position
in society.
Impression management