chapter 2 lesson 1 lesson 2 Flashcards
The aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community
A highly structured system of human organization for large-scale community
living that normally furnishes protection, continuity, security, and a national
identity for its members
represent an
ideal type, which more or less
depicts the form, process, and
dynamics of the social reality it
Society as a
Society is seen as an outcome of
multiple interactions of people
Society as a
Society can be liken to a deity
since Society holds immense
power to make or unmake lives of
Society as a
Three Theoretical Perspectives
- Structural Functionalism
- Conflict Theory
- Symbolism Interactionism
Three Theoretical Perspectives
- Structural Functionalism
- Conflict Theory
- Symbolism Interactionism
It gives importance to social
It argues that society is made
possible by cooperation and
This view sees society as a system
with parts, and this parts have their
respective functions to perform.
sees society
as an arena.
exist because the
powerful or the dominant oppress
the less powerful or subordinate.
Unity and invokes the Social
Processes rather than the functions
and interdependence.
It explores the issues of
This argues that society is
continuously re-created when
humans interact.
This is founded on the premise
that we respond based on the
meanings that we attach to the
Rules: Invisible hand of Society
Rules are guides in the performance of roles in everyday actions and
interactions. With this thought, rules are essential in the everyday
conduct of the members of the society.
However not all rules are visible or not written. Our mundane and daily
actions are guided by these unseen rules.
According to ____“is
that complex whole which
includes knowledge, beliefs,
art, morals, law, custom,
and any other capabilities
and habits acquired by a man
as a member of society”
E.B Taylor
According to Cambridge
English Dictionary “ Culture
is a way of life, especially
the general customs and
beliefs of a particular
group of people at a
particular time.
Culture as a
Refers to the gradual
acquisition of the
characteristics and norms
of a culture or group by a
person or another culture,
It starts with actual
exposure to another culture
and the duration and extent
of exposure account the
quality of the resulting____
This is a good example of
Culture Shock
Individuals who have
stayed for quite a good
portion of their lives in
a foreign culture may be
shocked by their birth
culture once exposed to
it again.
Culture Shock
According to _____ an english anthropologist. He was the first to coin the term culture in the
18th century.
E.B taylor
According to E.B taylor, an english anthropologist. He was the first to coin the term culture in the
18th century.
Aspects of Culture
According to E.B Taylor “is
that complex whole which
includes knowledge, beliefs,
art, morals, law, custom,
and any other capabilities
and habits acquired by a man
as a member of society”
culture as concept
Culture is a unique quality of man which separates him from the lower animals
Aspects of Culture
Culture includes all the man acquires in his social life
Aspects of Culture
Characteristics of culture
- Explicit culture
- Implicit culture
defined culture in a sense “ A Culture is a historically derived system of
explicit and implicit designs for living, which tends to be shared by all or especially designed
member of a group”
Kluckhohn and kelly
Kluckhohn and kelly defined culture in a sense “ A Culture is a historically derived system of
explicit and implicit designs for living, which tends to be shared by all or especially designed
member of a group”
Characteristics of culture
refers to similarities in words and actions which can be directly observed.
Example: the adolescent cultural behavior can be generalized by looking at the way teens dress,
their mannerism and conversations.
Explicit culture
exist in abstract forms which are not quite obvious.
Implicit culture
According to _____ “ A culture, like an individual, is a more or less consistent pattern of
thought and action”
Ruth Benedict
According to Ruth Benedict “ A culture, like an individual, is a more or less consistent pattern of
thought and action”
Characteristics of culture
7 Characteristics of culture
- Culture is social because it is a product of behavior
- Culture varies from society to society
- Culture is shared
- Culture is Learned.
- Culture is transmitted among members of society
- Culture is continuous and cumulative
- Culture is gratifying and idealistic
Different types of behavior:
Overt Behavior and Covert Behavior
Culture does not exist in isolation. It is a product of society.
Culture is social because it is a product of behavior
It develops through social interaction and no
man can acquire culture without association with others.
Culture is social because it is a product of behavior
As the people behave, there occur changes in
Culture is social because it is a product of behavior
They acquire the ability to swim, to feel hatred toward someone or to sympathize someone. also
many of people’s traits and abilities have grown out of their own past behavior.
Culture is social because it is a product of behavior
Every society has a culture of it’s own that differs from other societies.
Culture varies from society to society
The culture of it’s society is
unique itself.
Culture varies from society to society
Cultures are not uniform it has cultural elements like customs, traditions, morals, values.
Culture varies from society to society
Culture in short is a human product: it is not independently endowed with life.
Culture varies from society to society
Culture is a creation of
society in interaction and depends for it’s existence upon the continuance of society.
Culture varies from society to society
In strict sense,
therefore, culture does not ‘do’ anything on it’s own.
Culture varies from society to society
Culture is not something an individual alone can possess.
Culture is shared
The patterns of learned behavior and the results of behavior are possessed by not a few persons but
usually by a large group.
Culture is shared
Culture is not inborn. It is learned.
Culture is Learned.
Culture is often called as “ learned ways of behavior”.
Culture is Learned.
It must be
noted that not all behavior is learned but most of it is learned like combing your hair, standing in line,
telling jokes, criticizing the president, and going to the movie.
Culture is Learned.
refers to those obvious behavior
Overt Behavior
refers to those not openly visible behaviors.
Covert Behavior
Culture is transmitted from one generation to another.
Culture is transmitted among members of society
Some transmission of culture is among
Culture is transmitted among members of society
One learns it from someone like the
learning process both for the teacher and student.
Culture is transmitted among members of society
Transmission is made possible by language that why language is termed as the main vehicle of culture.
Culture is transmitted among members of society
People live not only in the present but also in the past and future.
Culture is transmitted among members of society
They are able to do this because they
posses language which transmits to them what was learned in the past and enables them to transmit
the accumulated wisdom to the next generation.
Culture is transmitted among members of society
Culture exist as continuous process.
Culture is continuous and cumulative
According to sociologist Linton “culture is the social heritage of
Culture is continuous and cumulative
According to sociologist ___ “culture is the social heritage of
There is one fundamental and inescapable attribute (special quality) of culture: the fact of
unending change.
Culture is continuous and cumulative
There is one fundamental and inescapable attribute (special quality) of culture: the fact of
unending change.
Culture is continuous and cumulative
Some societies sometimes change slowly , hence in comparison to other societies
seem to not be changing at all.
Culture is continuous and cumulative
No culture remains constant or changeless . it is subject to slow but
constant change.
Culture is continuous and cumulative
Culture provides proper opportunities for the satisfaction of our needs and desires.
Culture is gratifying and idealistic
Our needs both
biological and social are fulfilled in cultural way.
Culture is gratifying and idealistic
culture determines and guides various activities of man.
Culture is gratifying and idealistic
Thus, culture is defined as the process through which human beings satisfy their wants.
Culture is gratifying and idealistic
embodies the ideas and norms of a group.
Culture is gratifying and idealistic
culture consist of the intellectual, artistic and social ideals
and institutions which member of society profess and to which they strive to conform.
Culture is gratifying and idealistic
Functions of Culture
- Culture defines situations
- Cultures defines attitudes, values, and goals
- Culture define myths, legends, and the supernatural.
- Culture provides behavior patterns
It reveals whether on should prepare to fight, run, laugh, or sad.
Culture defines situations
Each society has its own
insults and fighting words. One does not know what to do in a situation until he has defined the situation.
Culture defines situations
Each person learns from his/ her culture what is good, true, and beautiful.
Cultures defines attitudes, values, and goals
are defined by the culture, and the individual normally learns them unconsciously as he/ she learns the
Cultures defines attitudes, values, and goals
Attitudes are tendencies to feel and act in certain ways. Values are measures of goodness or
Cultures defines attitudes, values, and goals
Goals are those attainments which our values define as worthy. For example: winning race, gaining
affections or being promoted.
Cultures defines attitudes, values, and goals
Myths and legends are important parts of every culture.
Culture define myths, legends, and the supernatural.
They may inspire or reinforce effort and
sacrifice and bring comfort in bereavement.
Culture define myths, legends, and the supernatural.
Whether they are true is sociologically unimportant.
Culture define myths, legends, and the supernatural.
are real to people who believe in them and who act upon this belief.
Culture define myths, legends, and the supernatural.
Because of this culture provides a
ready-made view of the universe.
Culture define myths, legends, and the supernatural.
The individual need not to go through trial and error to know what food can be eaten or how to live
among people without fear.
Culture provides behavior patterns
People find a ready-made patterns awaiting for them which will only need to
be learned and followed.
Culture provides behavior patterns
The culture maps out the matrimony.
Culture provides behavior patterns
The individual does not have to wonder
how one secures a mate: he/she knows the procedure defined by his/ her culture.
Culture provides behavior patterns
The word _____- comes from the Greek and it refers to a “people, nation, or cultural grouping”
comes from the Latin and it refers to “center”
The term ____ then refers to the tendency of each society to place its own culture
patterns at the center of things.
is the practice of comparing other cultural practices with those of one’s own and
automatically finding those other cultural practices to be inferior.
Positively, ____ promotes continuance of the status quo. Negatively, it discourages
_____ hinders the understanding or the cooperation between groups.
Ethnocentrism .
Functions of Ethnocentrism
- Ethnocentrism encourages the solidarity of a group. Positively, ethnocentrism promotes continuance of the status quo and negatively, it discourages change.
- Ethnocentrism hinders the understanding or the cooperation between groups. Extreme ethnocentrism is likely to promote conflict.
- Conflict of course often leads to social change. In that sense, ethnocentrism becomes vehicle for the promotion of social change.
When do we become Ethnocentric and what is our ways out?
- When you judge the behavior and beliefs of other people who are different from you.
- When you believe that there are primitive cultures, especially if their way of life is different yours.
- When you believe that some cultures are backward if they lack the technology and consumerism
of your own culture.
____ is the idea that all norms, beliefs, and values are dependent on their cultural context and should be treated as such.
Cultural Relativism
Is a belief that maintains, it does not matter whether cultures are either equal or different because
equality and similarity do not necessarily translate to real or imagined inferiority/ superiority of
cultures out there.
Cultural Relativism
It is also a research method
Cultural Relativism
____ also means that the function and meaning of a trait are relative to its cultural
Cultural relativism
Refers to a preference for the foreign.
It is the opposite of the ethnocentrism, it is characterized by a strong belief that one’s product,
style, or ideas are inferior to those who originate elsewhere.
It is the fear of what is perceived as foreign or strange.
It may include fear of losing identity, suspicion of other group to secure a presumed purity.
Culture has a tangible (visible) and intangible (nonmaterial) components or heritages.
Culture as Heritage
Cultural artifacts both tangible and intangible may become “heritage objects” by their sheer age
and association with momentous historical events and noteworthy personality.
Culture as Heritage
____ are those that are produced and created based on specific and practical
purposes and aesthetic values.
The tangible ones
ex of tangible ones
National flag.
_____ may be associated with the events that have occurred.
The intangible ones
ex of The intangible ones
National Anthem and dance, historical events.