Chapter 4 - Home Life III Flashcards
blow up
blew up
break apart suddendly and forcefully, explode, burst
ex. Another boiler has blown up.
call for __
called for
request, ask for
ex. The teacher called for silence in his class.
clear off
cleared off
become free of clouds (the sky) (often with it as the subject)
ex. The sun is coming back because it is clearing off.
cloud up
clouded up
become cloudy (the sky) (often with it as a subject) ex. It is clouding up and the wind is getting stronger.
come back
came back
ex. She came back because she forgot her umbrella.
come up
came up
come near, approache, arrive (a storm)
ex. The snowstorm was coming from the west.
cool off
cooled off
become less warm, become cool
ex. The ramen were cooling off on the counter.
dry off
dried off
become less wet, become dry
ex. The clothes were drying off after this swim in the lake.
grow out of __
grew out off
become too big to wear (usually clothing or shoes)
ex. My baby brother grew out of his clothes rapidly because of puberty.
keep on __
kept on
continue, persist in (usually followed by an ing word)
ex. The clock kept on ringing.
keep … up …
kept up
continue (usually with a noun or a proper as object)
ex. Keep up with the good work.
leave … out …
left out
omit, not include, not say or do
ex. I left out parts of my story.
let … down …
let down
lower (a hem in a garment), make a garment longer by making the hem narrower
ex. Jane has not learned how to let a hem down.
live on __
lived on
eat nothing except, exist with nothing but, subsist on
ex. When I am sick, I live on chicken soup.
look at __
looked at
read, read quickly, examine, observe, pay attention to, watch
ex. I looked at the price of these jeans! They are expensive!
part with __
parted with
give away or sell (something that one likes)
ex. Even though I liked that pair of jeans, I had to part with it because they no longer fit.
put … in …
put in
include, add
ex. Martin likes to put in many details in his essays.
set in
set in
begin, start, commence (often a normal kind of change, as in the weather)
ex. The rainy season was setting in.
sew … up …
sewed up
repair rips or holes in clothing with thread
ex. This hole is too large. I can’t sew it up.
shut … off …
shut off
stop the water, gas, etc (= turn off)
ex. I shut off the shower after I finish.
snow … in …
snowed in
keep in by deep snow
ex. In Alaska, some people are snowed in for weeks.
take … up …
took up
use, occupy (time)
ex. This stupid video took up 5 minutes of my precious study time.
talk about __
talked about
consider, discuss, center a conversation or discussion on
ex. I was talking about the homework with Jo. Do you understand the question 3?
talk … over …
talked over
consider what to do about, make an analysis of, discuss seriously and in detail
ex. The politicians talk over important matters that happen in the world.
turn in
turned in
go to bed, retire for the night (informal)
ex. Sam turns in after writing in her diary.
turn … off …
turned off
stop (the water, light, clock, television, etc)
ex. Turn off the lights before you close the door.
warm up
warmed up
become warm
ex. The weather warms up in April.
wear … out …
wore out
make unusable by long wear or use, wear until raged, wear or use as long as possible (usually clothing, shoes, machines, etc.) (Also I, become unusable because of long wear or use; my coat wore out.
ex. These shoes are worn out. They have big holes in them.