Chapter 12 - Competition Flashcards
back … up …
backed up
support, help, be loyal to (= stand up for)
ex. Whenever I have Guests who are bad, my manager always backs me up.
beat … out …
beat out
win against (in competition), defeat in a close contest (informal) ex. Taller athletes do not always beat out shorter ones.
carry … off …
carried off
win (a prize, a victory, an honor, etc.)
ex. The Canadians carried off their trophy altogether.
catch up
caught up
become even with, come up to someone else in a competition
ex. The runner is catching up with the first line runner.
cheer … up …
cheered up
support by cheering (yelling, shouting, clapping, etc.)
ex. The cheer team is cheering up the guys on the field.
come through
came through
be successful, win, last successfully to the end
ex. Did your favorite team come through?
face … with …
faced with
meet, encounter (especially something difficult or unpleasant) (generally used as a passive: [be] faced with)
ex. Has she ever been faced with serious problems?
fight … off …
fought off
keep (someone or something) away or behind, fight successfully against
ex. The leader fought off the runner in second place.
get behind
got behind
let (someone else) move in front, fail to get or hold the leading position (= fall behind)
ex. When the team gets behind, the team tries hard to catch up.
hang on
hung on
continue to try hard
ex. Hang on! I know you can do it!
hold … against …
held against
object to, be unhappy about, be displeased with (often in the phrase hold it against [someone])
ex. Will you hold it against me if I tell you I forgot the cake?
laugh … off …
laughed off
fail to consider seriously, dismiss by laughing
ex. She laughed it off! She didn’t even consider my proposition at all!
let up
let up
try less hard, go more slowly
ex. Sometimes the leader in a contest lets up too soon.
make … up …
made up
gain (in a competition), reduce a difference (in distance or time)
ex. I made up to you in the race! I was far behind but got to you!
nose … out …
nosed out
defeat in a close contest, defeat by a small distance, amount, total, etc
ex. Charles-Edouard nosed out Alexis in the election. He got 5 more votes than Alexis.
pull ahead
pulled ahead
move in front, take the lead
ex. Did you see that? Youbie pulled ahead in the race!
push on
pushed on
make a continuing effort, continue in difficult conditions
ex. A good athlete pushes on even when he knows he will probably lose.
root for __
rooted for
support by cheering, etc. (informal) (= cheer on)
ex. The cheer team is rooting for the guys on the field.
show … off …
showed off
display boastfully (one's good qualities, appearance, ability, etc.), make a show of ex. You are just showing off again! Stop it!
side with __
sided with
agree with, support
ex. In an argument with my mom, my dad sided with me.
slow down
slowed down
go more slowly than before (= slow up)
ex. Drivers slow down when the first snow appears!
speed up
speeded up
go faster than before
ex. Some sports drivers go crazy on the highway and speed up.
stand up for __
stood up for
support, talk in favor of (= back up)
ex. Stand up for what you believe is what you always told me!
stir … up …
stirred up
start, cause, put into motion
ex. Don’t stir up trouble if you can avoid it!
take … on …
took on
start to compete against, challenge (in a contest)
ex. Aquilon will take on Cama in volleyball again!
turn against __
turned against
stop helping, take one’s support away from, stop being in favor of, become hostile or unfriendly toward
ex. Some of the players turned against their manager.