Chapter 1 - School Life Flashcards
brush up on ___
brushed up on ___
study again, review, refresh one’s memory about
ex. I brushed on my two-words verbs before the test
catch up with __
caught up with __
come to someone from behind, overtake
ex. My mom caught up with me. I was walking fast but she made it to me.
check … over …
checked over
take another look at, try to find mistakes, examine
ex. My friend checked over my homework for grammar mistakes.
cross … off …
crossed off
mark out, cancel (cross off is often used for the same meaning)
ex. My grandma crosses off each day on her calendar.
fall behind
fell behind
fail to do work (or else) by a certain time, move more slowly than (someone else) ex. Rosalie fell behind in her math class because she forgot to complete her exercises.
figure … out …
figured out
find (an answer or a solution), decide, learn, understand
ex. Sherlock figured the puzzle out.
find .. out …
found out
discover, learn
ex. My dad lied about Santa Clause, but I found out soon the truth.
get along
got along
do (one’s work, etc) well enough, manage, succeed fairly well
ex. In school work, some students get along better than others
get away
got away
escape, leave (something dangerous or bad) *often followed by “from”
ex. Get away from me, you evil!
give up
gave up
stop trying, surrender
ex. The soldiers would not give up. They could not abandon their comrades.
go after __
went after __
go to get (something)
ex. Sarah went to get her books at the Coop Zone.
hand … in …
handed in
give to a teacher, pass in, submit (= turn in) ex. The teacher said we have to hand our paper in on Friday before class starts.
head for __
headed for __
go toward ex. Audrey headed for her next class on the second floor.
keep at __
kept at __
continue to try (especially something difficult or tiresome), persist in
ex. Edward would succeed in his verb tests if he kept at it and studied hard.
keep up with __
Kept up with __
stay even with, stay beside (in a race, etc.), do what is necessary for (opposite of “fall behind”)
ex. Rosalie keeps up with her math exercises so she doesn’t fall behind in her class.
look for __
looked for __
try to find, seek
ex. Elizabeth was looking for her red pencil. It was nowhere around.
look … up …
looked up
search for and find (especially in printed matter)
ex. Sine looked up in the dictionary for the meaning of a certain word.
make … up …
made up
take or do (an examination, a paper, etc.) that has missed
ex. If you miss a test, you must make it up.
pull through
pulled through
succeed or recover after some difficulty, get well after an illness, survive, come to a good ending
ex. David pulled through the hot weather and was able to continue his day at work.
put … in …
put in
include, add
ex. Nicole likes to put in many different tasty ingredients in her famous soup.
put … off …
put off
delay doing, postpone, avoid doing
ex. Simple Plan put off their concert because of their ill member.
put … together …
put together
bring separate parts together, compile, assemble
ex. Sherlock puts the puzzle together while John looks outside of their apartment.
read … through …
read through
read all of, read completely
ex. Martin read through the book “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” in one sit.
stand for
stood for
mean, represent, symbolize
ex. The “g” in recipes stands for grams.
tear … up …
tore up
tear into pieces, destroy by tearing into pieces
ex. François tore up old papers he wrote in High School.
try … out on …
tried out on
get (someone else’s) opinion of
ex. Nicole tried out her new recipe on her daughter.
turn … in …
turned in
give to a teacher, etc, pass in, submit (= hand in)
ex. I forgot the due date and turned my paper in late.