Chapter 3 - Home Life II Flashcards
air … out …
aired out
open windows or doors to let stale air out and fresh air in
ex. My mom often opens my windows in my room to air the room out.
boil over
boiled over
flow over the top (of a pan, etc.) while boiling.
ex. Part of the soup was lost when it boiled over.
call back
called back
call again (usually on the phone) ex. The transmission was bad with my mom over the phone so I hung up and called back. (called my mom back = ok)
call up
called up
call on the telephone (= British ring up)
ex. My dad called me up just before I left for work.
clean … up …
cleaned up
make clean, remove dirt, etc.
ex. I cleaned up the desk before working on them.
clear …. off …
cleared off
remove dishes, etc.
ex. Claudia clears the table off after dinner because it is her task for the week.
cut … off …
cut off
stop, interrupt (concerning a phone call)
ex. The line between them was cut off so he called her back before she got angry.
cut … up …
cut up
cut into pieces
ex. The recipe said to cut up the cabbage first.
do without __
did without
live without, manage without
ex. Even though the girl loved chocolate, she does without it when she does not have enough money for candy.
doze off
dozed off
begin to sleep
ex. After this study session everyone dozed off on the different sofas.
dress up
dressed up
put on especially good or somewhat formal clothes
ex. Lydia is the most popular girl in the school so she must dress up and keep up with her reputation.
eat … up …
ate up
eat, eat all of
ex. Have we eaten up the bread? Should I buy some more when I come back from work?
go on
went on
happen, occur (often in the form of going on)
ex. The old lady heard a noise in her backyard and wondered what was going on.
hang … up …
hung up
place on a hanger or a hook
ex. Mom hangs up clothes instead of putting them in the dryer.
leave … on …
left on
allow, to continue going or operating (a radio, television, record player, water, lights, etc.)
lie down
lay down
change to a lying position
ex. The mother of three children wanted to lie down for a bit but knew better than to do so in front of the kids. Who knows what happen around them.
look … over …
looked over
inspect, examine
ex. I look up at the clothes in the dressing room before buying them.
make … out …
made out
think of and write (something short, such as a list)
ex. Students make out list so they remember all their assignments.
mop … up …
mopped up
clean (especially to clean a floor with a mop and water)
ex. The housekeeper mop the floor up after the mess left by the three evils children.
open … up …
opened up
cause to open (sometimes by removing an obstruction)
ex. The plumber opened up the drain. It was blocked out because of my mom and sister’s hair.
pick … out …
picked out
select, choose
ex. My mother always picks out the vegetables that look the greener.
plug … up …
plugged up
close with dirt or hair or something (block up and clog up may have the same meaning)
ex. Some hair had plugged the drain up. That’s why the plumber came.
put … away …
put away
put something where it should be or usually is
ex. My dad always put his tools away in the garage before coming back in the house.
put … up …
put up
hang (curtains or drapes) on rods or other fasteners
ex. The Smith put up new drapes in the living room.
rub .. off …
rubbed off
remove by rubbing (moving a cloth, ect., while pressing down)
ex. My brother is always messy when he eats and I have to rub my magazine or any things up before using them.
shut … out …
shut out
exclude, keep out, lock out
ex. My roommate used to put buttons in her ears to shut my snores out.
sit down
sat down
change from a standing position to a sitting position
ex. The students sat down to read their books.
stock up on __
stocked up on
get a supply of, get a large amount for later use
ex. My parents went to Costco and stocked up on many things (toilet paper, juices, etc.) because it’s always cheaper to buy a large quantity for the family.
straighten … up …
straightened up
put into neat or proper order or condition
ex. Kids must learn at a young age to straighten up their room if not they are going to be messy when adults.
try … on …
tried on
put on a dress or other garment to judge its fits appearance
ex. Look at this dress! You should try it on to see if s your color.
tune … in …
tuned in
turn (radio or television) controls so that the sound or picture is clear; choose a station or channel
ex. We tried to tune in the radio, but because we were on the mountain it was really bad quality.
wash … out …
washed out
wash the inside of
ex. Please wash out this pan for me.
wipe … off …
wiped off
clean the surface of (usually with a cloth, etc.)
ex. The mother wiped the baby off in the women bathroom.