Chapter 3 - Home Life II Flashcards
air … out …
aired out
open windows or doors to let stale air out and fresh air in
ex. My mom often opens my windows in my room to air the room out.
boil over
boiled over
flow over the top (of a pan, etc.) while boiling.
ex. Part of the soup was lost when it boiled over.
call back
called back
call again (usually on the phone) ex. The transmission was bad with my mom over the phone so I hung up and called back. (called my mom back = ok)
call up
called up
call on the telephone (= British ring up)
ex. My dad called me up just before I left for work.
clean … up …
cleaned up
make clean, remove dirt, etc.
ex. I cleaned up the desk before working on them.
clear …. off …
cleared off
remove dishes, etc.
ex. Claudia clears the table off after dinner because it is her task for the week.
cut … off …
cut off
stop, interrupt (concerning a phone call)
ex. The line between them was cut off so he called her back before she got angry.
cut … up …
cut up
cut into pieces
ex. The recipe said to cut up the cabbage first.
do without __
did without
live without, manage without
ex. Even though the girl loved chocolate, she does without it when she does not have enough money for candy.
doze off
dozed off
begin to sleep
ex. After this study session everyone dozed off on the different sofas.
dress up
dressed up
put on especially good or somewhat formal clothes
ex. Lydia is the most popular girl in the school so she must dress up and keep up with her reputation.
eat … up …
ate up
eat, eat all of
ex. Have we eaten up the bread? Should I buy some more when I come back from work?
go on
went on
happen, occur (often in the form of going on)
ex. The old lady heard a noise in her backyard and wondered what was going on.
hang … up …
hung up
place on a hanger or a hook
ex. Mom hangs up clothes instead of putting them in the dryer.
leave … on …
left on
allow, to continue going or operating (a radio, television, record player, water, lights, etc.)