Chapter 4 (Enforcement Ops) Flashcards
What 2 things do Dual Purpose Canines do?
Narcotics Detection
Where is Search and Seizure Policy?
GO 100.91
Search Defined
The physical intrusion into ones person or property to seek potential evidence or contraband that may be concealed.
Merely looking at that which is in open view is not a search
Probable Cause (to search)
Enough articulable facts, training, knowledge to provide a fair probability the object being sought will be found in the location the officer wants to search and there is enough information to lead a reasonable and prudent person of ordinary intelligence, with the same level of training and experience, to arrive at the same conclusion
Reasonable Suspicion
Is the articulable belief that:
- Something related to a crime has just happened, is happening or is about to happen, and
- The vehicle or the person in the vehicle that has been stopped, detained or contacted is connected to the activity
Consent to Search
For a valid consent search the following must occur:
- The consent must be granted freely and voluntarily
- The person granting consent must have standing over the items to be searched
- The scope or limitation of the search must be defined and cannot be exceeded by the officer unless PC exists, and
- The person granting consent has the right and must have the ability to withdraw the consent at any time
K9 Hours of Operation
May deploy as a solo unit between 2200 to 0600
Allied Agency Requests
Approved or denied by DCS
All Asset Forfeiture reporting requirements will be complied with for seizure of a controlled substance
4 Pre Deployment Considerations (Suspect Search / Apprehension)
- Severity of the crime, not solely the classification of the crime
- Whether the suspect poses an immediate Threat to the safety of officer or the public
- Whether the suspect is actively resisting or attempting to Evade arrest by flight
- Decision shall be based on sound judgment, the circumstances perceived at the time and the utilization of only that force reasonable to gain control of the situation. The primary factor is the safety of the officer or the public
Predeployment announcements
This is the CHP. Stop or I will send in a police dog and you will be bitten.
This is the CHP. Come out now or I will send in a police dog and you will be bitten.
What to do for a Building Search
Severity of the crime, is the deployment appropriate?
If so:
Establish perimeter
Suspect description
All LE accounted for
No LE in building
All intelligence on susp, loc and time frames obtained
Cover officer selected and briefed
Dispatch advised
What to do for Open Area Searches
Severity of the crime, is deployment appropriate
If so :
Establish Perimeter
Suspect description
All LE accounted for
No LE in the area
Intelligence on susp, loc and time frames obtained
Cover officer selected and briefed
Dispatch advised
Every effort is made to stay in contact considering safety to officer, canine, perimeter personnel and public
What to do for Vehicle Suspect Searches
Severity of the crime, is deployment appropriate
If so:
Every effort is made to assure safety of innocent occupants and pets
Cover officer selected and briefed
Intelligence on suspect obtained
Dispatch advised
Positive control of canine maintained when outside of suspect vehicle
Vehicle Contraband Searches
Officer safety is primary consideration
Safety of the involved motorist and any occupants is provided
Positive control of the canine is maintained while outside of the subject vehicle
What to consider for Foot Pursuits
Severity of the crime, is deployment appropriate?
If so:
Officer safety is primary consideration
Need for apprehension is weighed against the potential risk of injury to innocent parties or other LE
Dispatch advised
What is canines role in a Tactical Team assistance situation?
Should be limited to perimeter containment
Felony Stops
Should not normally be used as the primary unit
Prisoner Transport guidelines
May transport a single, nonviolent prisoner. R/F seat only
Multiple arrests or violent prisoners shall not be transported
If another officer is deployed with K9, K9 shall not transport
Injuries to suspect caused by canine. What are the following procedures?
Notification shall be made to DCS
Immediately following :
Immediate 1st aid
Transport to medical facility for medical clearance
Get photos
Prepare an incident report
Assist DCS with CHP 268 and CHP 275
CHP 268
Risk Management Potential Civil Litigation Report
CHP 275
Risk Management Use of Force Report
What is “A Find”
Any instance when a K9 alerts while performing search/Sniff related functions
What constitutes a “Deterent”
An instance when a canines presence deters an unwanted response or a subject ceases an action
What is a Call off?
After being released to apprehend, subject surrenders and dog successfully re-calls to the handler
Management Information System
After the seizure of illegal contraband, CO shall complete and submit the MIS Notification of Drug /Asset Seizure to DCS.
Who decides when or to Deploy?
Unless otherwise decided by a supervisor, the CO shall make the final decision regarding utilization based upon the safety of everyone involved and the training of the canine team