The process of attracting employees to an organization.
Recruiting employees from outside the organization.
External recruitment
Recruiting employees already employed by the organization.
Internal recruitment
Internal promotions can be either __________ or__________
competitive or noncompetitive.
usually involve “career progression” positions in which employees move from a position such as Engineer I to Engineer II to Engineer III and so on as they gain experience and knowledge
Noncompetitive promotions
several internal applicants compete with one another (and sometimes with external applicants) for a limited number of higher positions.
Competitive Promotions
Recruitment ads in which applicants are instructed to call rather than to apply in person or send résumés.
Respond by calling
Recruitment ads that instruct applicants to apply in person rather than to call or send résumés.
Apply-in-person ads
Recruitment ads in which applicants are instructed to send their résumé to the company rather than call or apply in person.
Send-résumé ads
Recruitment ads that instruct applicants to send their résumé to a box at the newspaper; neither the name nor the address of the company is provided.
Blind box
method of recruitment in which job vacancy notices are posted in places where customers or current employees are likely to see them: store windows, bulletin boards, restaurant placemats, and the sides of trucks.
job vacancy notices
A job fair held on campus in which students can “tour” a company online, ask questions of recruiters, and electronically send résumés.
Virtual job fair
Employment agencies, often also called headhunters, that specialize in placing applicants in high-paying jobs.
Executive search firms
An organization that specializes in finding jobs for applicants and finding applicants for organizations looking for employees
Employment agency
An employment service operated by a state or local government, designed to match applicants with job openings.
Public employment agency
A method of recruitment in which a current employee refers a friend or family member for a job.
Employee referra
A method of recruitment in which an organization sends out mass mailings of information about job openings to potential applicants.
Direct mail
a fast-growing source of recruitment. usually take one of three forms: employer-based websites, job boards, and social networking sites.
an organization lists available job openings and provides information about itself and the minimum requirements needed to apply to a particular job.
employer-based websites
A private company whose website lists job openings for hundreds or thousands of organizations and résumés for millions of applicants.
Job Boards
A recruitment method in which several employers are available at one location so that many applicants can obtain information at one time.
Job Fair
The amount of money spent on a recruitment campaign divided by the number of people that subsequently apply for jobs as a result of the recruitment campaign.
Cost per applicant
The amount of money spent on a recruitment campaign divided by the number of qualified people that subsequently apply for jobs as a result of the recruitment campaign.
Cost per qualified applicant
A method of recruitment in which job applicants are told both the positive and the negative aspects of a job.
Realistic job preview (RJP
A form of RJP that lowers an applicant’s expectations about the various aspects of the job.
Expectation-lowering procedure (ELP)
the most commonly used method to select employees. A method of selecting employees in which an interviewer asks questions of an applicant and then makes an employment decision based on the answers to the questions as well as the way in which the questions were answered.
Employment Interview
Types of Interviews sedon structure
Unstructured and structured
Interviews in which questions are based on a job analysis, every applicant is asked the same questions, and there is a standardized scoring system so that identical answers are given identical scores.
Structured interviews
An interview in which applicants are not asked the same questions and in which there is no standard scoring system to score applicant answers.
Unstructured interview
The _________ of an interview is determined by the number of interviewees and number of interviewers.
The _________of an interview is determined by the source of the questions, the extent to which all applicants are asked the same questions, and the structure of the system used to score the answers.
Types of interiew acording to style
One-on-one interviews
Serial interviews
Return interviews
Panel interviews
group interviews
involve one interviewer interviewing one applicant.
One-on-one interviews
involve a series of single interviews
serial interview
similar to serial interviews with the difference being a passing of time between the first and subsequent interview
Return Interview
have multiple interviewers asking questions and evaluating answers of the same applicant at the same time
Panel Interview
have multiple applicants answering questions during the same interview.
group interviews
Types of interview based on medium
Face-to-face interview
Telephone interview
Video conference interviews
Written interviews
both the interviewer and the applicant are in the same room. provide a personal setting and allow the participants to use both visual and vocal cues to evaluate information.
face-to-face interviews
often used to screen applicants but do not allow the use of visual cues (not always a bad thing
Telephone interviews
conducted at remote sites. The applicant and the interviewer can hear and see each other, but the setting is not as personal, nor is the image and vocal quality of the interview as sharp as in face-to-face interviews.
Video conference interviews
involve the applicant answering a series of written questions and then sending the answers back through regular mail or through email.
Written interviews
The fact that information presented early in an interview carries more weight than information presented later.
Primacy effect
When the performance of one applicant affects the perception of the performance of the next applicant.
Contrast effect
The fact that negative information receives more weight in an employment decision than does positive information.
Negative-information bias
Factors such as eye contact and posture that are not associated with actual words spoken.
Nonverbal communication
process in creating a structred interiew
Determining the KSAOs to Tap in the Interview
Creating InterviewQuestions
Creating a Scoring Key for Interview Answers
A type of structured interviewq uestion that clarifies information on the résumé or application.
A type of structured interviewq uestion in which a wrong answer will disqualify the applicant from further consideration.
A type of structured-interview questiondesigned to tap an applicant’s knowledge or skill.
Skill-level determiner
A type of structured interview question in which applicants are given a situation and asked how they would handle it.
Future-focused question also called situational questions
A structured-interview technique in which applicants are presented with a series of situations and asked how they would handle each one.
Situational question
A type of structured-interview question that taps an applicant’s experience.
Past-focused questions, sometimes referred to as patterned-behavior description interviews (PBDIs)
A structured interview in which the questions focus on behavior in previous jobs.
Patterned-behavior description interview (PBDI)
A type of structured-interview question that taps how well an applicant’s personality and values will fit with the organizational culture.
Organizational-fit questions
A method of scoring interview answers that compares an applicant’s answer with benchmark answers.
Typical-answer approach
Standard answers to interview questions, the quality of which has been agreed on by job experts.
Benchmark answers
A method of scoring interview answers that provides points for each part of an answer that matches the scoring key.
Key-issues approach
A letter that accompanies a résumé or job application. tell an employer that you are enclosing your résumé and would like to apply for a job.
Cover letters
A formal summary of an applicant’s professional and educational background.
Characteristics of Effective Résumés
The résumé must be attractive and easy to read
The résumé cannot contain typing, spelling, grammatical, or factual mistakes.
The résumé should make the applicant look as qualified as possible— without lying.
Types of Résumé
Chronological résumé
Functional résumé
Psychological résumé
A résumé in which jobs are listed in order from most to least recent.
Chronological résumé
A résumé format in which jobs are grouped by function rather than listed in order by date.
Functional résumé
A résumé style that takes advantage of psychological principles pertaining to memory organization and impression formation.
Psychological résumé
A model proposed by Anderson that postulates that our impressions are based more on the average value of each impression than on the sum of the values for each impression.
Averaging versus adding model